Reviews for The Alpha's Promise
Blackwater98 chapter 6 . 10/1/2013
This chapter turned me on
JAKESGIRL4EVER chapter 7 . 9/23/2013
2 more hours!
hell yeah!
go leah...
JAKESGIRL4EVER chapter 6 . 9/23/2013
My god..I love your Jake! You can't tell me you think of TL while writing him! He's definitely older , like we like him!
Fuck Bella.
Leah's so different, and Ima rooting for her.
Once we got to panty ripping Jake, tho - I forgot everything else...sorry!
Its Monday - and I need me some JAKE! Thanks baby! HUGS
JAKESGIRL4EVER chapter 4 . 9/22/2013
I'm LOVING this MM! You're really REALLY good at this! Its hard for me to read non - J n B - so I'm picky - I can read and love him with the right girl -anytime - whether Leah or Renessme or an OC, as long as she great for him! ( I started ou hater, )
Anyway this is about you and this wonderful story. Three Chappies in I gotta stop and say great job setting up the story and drawing us in! Love what you've set up and the way you've done it
I agree ! Canon Bella is the most selfish beotch to walk the earth, I can't wait to see how this all works out.
Oh! and whats up?
Is it that you love Mr Meraz, but Jacob Black is your fictional love? Thought this was a Paul story! LOL
PastOneonta chapter 35 . 9/20/2013
Lovely, just when I was looking for Quil's moonshine to help deal with the last chapter, we have this beautiful and heartfelt gift of love. Paul and Rachel, Emma and Quil, Billy and Tiffany. As Jake says in reflection, "I never thought we would end up here". When their life was its hardest who hoped for such completeness? TahaAki was wonderfully written, his sense of humor was neat. I liked his words of respect to Jacob and Leah as the future leaders.
PastOneonta chapter 34 . 9/20/2013
I read this chapter a couple of times, crying at the beginning, then it got better, then I cried in the middle. Thanks for the author's note, it was helpful. I had been heading towards Bella meeting a human and falling in love but this works out successfully. She is stronger in her relationship with Edward and she never stopped loving him. So there it is. I cried for Jake losing his best friend and Billy and Harry losing their best friend. I appreciated that Bella knew she had a great dad even though she didn't always show it. When she said "I didn't want a hero, I wanted a dad" I cried all over again. That is real life. Leah helps Jake so much, that is true love and real life also.
LunaMoonera chapter 35 . 9/19/2013
I loved it! Everything...the wedding, Rachel and Paul proposal and definitely this ending!
It was worth the wait!
PastOneonta chapter 33 . 9/18/2013
This was a wonderful love fest family filled chapter until Bella, what happened? I am already sad for her, she became a better person in this story and I was hopeful for a complete life for her.

But back at the beginning, Jake on the bed, holy crap that is hot. Days and days of Jake on the bed, can't imagine.

I loved what Billy said to Jake, Black men love strong and true. Thanks for addressing that for us because we do want to know who Embry's father is.
PastOneonta chapter 32 . 9/18/2013
He is the most awesome and thoughtful guy, look at all the time and consideration he put into the proposal. I think she believes now in him and in love forever, he has made the hesitation go away. I love his wolf and the cabin and again, all the ways he planned to make this evening special.
PastOneonta chapter 31 . 9/18/2013
Saint Fucking Bella, that was great. Haven't we thought that at times? Or some other descriptive...anyway... Bella can't lie and Leah knows that. So what is going on? What drama have you dreamed? Interesting that Leah still has insecurities, you don't expect it with someone so strong. Quil and Emma, great!
KendieV chapter 35 . 9/18/2013
sorry this review is like mega late!
but YAAAAY they;re married! :) lol I love that Leah pushed Rachel and Paul together right in front of everyone hahah so Leah :p
awww Emma's pregnant! awesome! :D
:o the imprint is back! hurrray! such a beautiful moment!
fantastic work, every time I read a chapter I fall in love with this story a little more! :)
Guest chapter 30 . 9/17/2013
Emma is a great OC, all your own. And you wrote her for Qujil, who never has a story line (or rarely!)
Guest chapter 29 . 9/17/2013
It was fear that caused Jake to turn on Quil. Interesting. He was afraid to lose the one he loves when he waited so long for her. I am glad you've written him this way, and unafraid of just about everything else.
Guest chapter 28 . 9/17/2013
Rollercoaster of a chapter! Thrilled to hear the damn Cullens did something for somebody else with all their money and gifted $ to Bella, who is contributing to the Pack and the tribe. That was nice. But Jake turning wolf on Quil and out of control. Wow! What has he done and how do they fix this?
PastOneonta chapter 27 . 9/17/2013
Different and interesting, I have not read anything like this. Leah as Alpha female again leads the way. The Pack is definitely uniting more as a family. More Jared and Kim too.
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