Reviews for Someone To Tell My Troubles To
MadmanMX5 chapter 10 . 12/23/2024
Christmas came early this year! This is a truly magnificent story in every aspect, possibly the greatest treasure trove of the Katie B. history out there. Thank you so much for sharing!
artemisincali chapter 10 . 9/17/2023
This is one of my favorite Castle/Beckett stories and I think I’ve read hundreds by now. Thanks for posting this gorgeous piece and I hope you consider coming back to the fandom someday.
Beegriffs chapter 10 . 1/30/2023
I am so very late in finding/reading this, but I seriously loved every single second of it so dang much! Thank you for this amazing story!
Bethmorris437 chapter 1 . 5/29/2022
I never get enough of this story. This one, and Apolgize, are 2 of my top 10. So we’ll written, I can picture things as I read them. So glad to see you are still writing stories for FanFiction.
pherman015 chapter 3 . 9/17/2021
supratiksen2000 chapter 10 . 6/14/2021
Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing your words with us.
helensorrento chapter 10 . 3/4/2021
Love the story. Why haven’t you finished it? It’s been almost ten years.
Jbug47 chapter 10 . 7/31/2020
This is a great story! I love the bantering that Rick and Kate use! You are a great writer!
Kusj1125 chapter 10 . 12/29/2019
I absolutely loved this story can you continue?
cookies71 chapter 10 . 9/27/2019
Thank you- had me laughing out loud!
neweldi chapter 10 . 8/28/2019
Thanks, I like it :-)
barrelof chapter 3 . 8/6/2019
Just noticed date you wrote this story so I guess a review is a bit late. Don’t know why but this story just showed up on my email and I am glad it did
barrelof chapter 2 . 8/6/2019
Love this light hearted with undertones
Guest chapter 10 . 6/23/2019
Great story! Thank you!
Purple Satin chapter 1 . 11/20/2018
I haven't read through this chapter yet and am laughing so hard at their banter. I really needed this today! It really lifted my spirits. Thank you!
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