Reviews for Crestfallen
LazyLei chapter 31 . 10/1
thea11 chapter 31 . 8/6
When next chapter?
Immaterium chapter 31 . 6/19
Oh come on! You can not possibly quit NOW!
I know that there is little to no hope by now after all those years, but still one can hope...
Great story
Immaterium chapter 9 . 6/16
So far I love this story :-D
guest Lumi chapter 31 . 6/8
This one is fun! You hardly ever see anyone incorporate the children of Loki in a xover like this. Hope your muse comes back soon :)
mst3ktoo chapter 27 . 5/22
oh come on there's no way Asgard doesn't have mind healers. The gods would all be quivering wrecks of PTSD otherwise.
mst3ktoo chapter 4 . 5/22
what, Odin not having a bullshit reason for why he was correct in his actions? in name only au, get.
adam110902 chapter 31 . 2/22
good story
littlespite chapter 31 . 2/21
Well i hooked... more please..
Always reading chapter 31 . 1/26
Maybe you can just use your muse and come up with something really good. Before 2035 lol
Always readin chapter 31 . 1/26
Wow you died again?
Always reading chapter 29 . 1/26
The word is wandering not wondering.
Always reading chapter 22 . 1/26
Your good at chapter
Always reading n chapter 21 . 1/26
Lionna dnt go e ideals lol
Always reading chapter 20 . 1/26
Ono updates since 2018 . Did you die?
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