Reviews for Unbroken
Chihori-chan chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
Awesome chapter! I really love this story. I can't wait for the next chapter! Update whenever you can please. :)
Inume-blue chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
I thought you did a good job :) I liked how you put Kakashi in it and yes I was feeling the heat. it was rather intense. :) and yes happy birthday to Kakashi! :) I love his character.
sumiku chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
I love your story. It's a bit like 'Romeo and Juliet' with a twist. You know, a forbidden love story, except that Juliet's a mystery that Romeo wants to figure out.
And though she loves him, she can't. AWESOMESAUCE. LOL Update soon! XD
BellasBeingBad chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
Loved this chapter. I am so looking forward to the next chapter.
majindra chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
ahhh! My head hurts from all the excitment! SO happy that they are getting moments, but I am so curious to see where you will take their relationship, and how that will affect the future. Drum roll! LOL. Thnak you for sharing with us! _
wendyr9 chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
(b,)b Kirby gives you two thumbs up! Lol
BellasBeingBad chapter 7 . 9/16/2012
I love your story!
obitoes chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
ohmygosh i love this story so much! you are such a good writer. I love your vocabulary. and i love kakashi and sakura!
Tori Ki chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
As I said, one review for a chapter :), I am suddying as a respiratory therapist and I thought the medical scene was quite nice. A few things that weren't really exact (allergic reaction in the pulmonary systeme is a tad more complicated then an infection) but I enjoy the atmosphere of the scene a lot. I can give you a few pointers on the medical side if you like. Also I like a lot the reaction of Sakura when she realised she just modified the future. And the tension in the air (very different from the one in the emergency room) when Kakashi pushed Sakura agaisnt the wall was a very nice touch at the end. Just love it!
Mrs.Vendetta chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
i love it, i hope that in the next CH that sakura learns more about rin's past please update soon...
Yle chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
I know that you don't want to hurry things between them, but i think that in order to build things there has to be interaction of some sort ( and if it's hot, i won't be the one to complain) (but seriously, how can something involving kakashi NOT be totally hot?i wonder.)
so i'm happy that you changed your mind not including kakashi in this chapter.
now i expect the Third to be really he forbid sakura to see kakashi?i always thought of them as magnets to each other, i hope the Third won't dare challenge an estabilished physical law.

As always thank you so much for dedicating your time to this story.
Hope to read from you soon.(with this or your other story, which sounds really promising, by the way.)
jen chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
I am absolutely in love with this story. I can't wait to see what happens. Please update soon.
Joele chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
Bless your little Aussie heart going through all that research. I never went to a hospital too (yay us!) write more.
xoulblade chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
I love this story, I love that Kakashi was in this chapter, he has a way of sneaking into things that he can't figure out and thats Sakura. Nice chapter and please update soon!
haru mitsui chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
i love every single kakasaku moment of it, haha. i wonder how sakura is keeping up with not able to floor down an entire training field. isn't she going to explode with not able to do any shinobi training?
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