Reviews for Unbroken
FluffysCubana chapter 4 . 8/14/2012
Hellooo :) u kno i got your follow alert! (Thx btw!) :) Then i found myself on ur account and fell in love with this story! Great job! Lovved how kakashi shows up drunk and kisses her. Killed me with the cliffy but as a writer i understand :D Update soon!

nori chapter 4 . 8/14/2012
mmm I wish this could focus more on kakashi and sakura, I don't really want to read much of the character that will get in the middle of them, or about her family, etc xD
I'll be waiting for the next update :)
Kagomaru chapter 4 . 8/14/2012
I like the story so far. Your writing style is good and I have yet to be bored at any point in the story. If I were to give a criticism it would be that the Sandaime caved just a little too fast. I feel like he should have thought of a way for her to prove it. Unless he was just pretending and in actuality he's having her watched by ANBU? That would be interesting.
Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter! _v
joys chapter 4 . 8/13/2012
I just found your story and love it so far. There are few time travel stories I like and most haven't been finished. I enjoy the fact that you are trying to keep Sakura mindful of the consequences of her actions during this time. That being said I can hardly wait to find out how her relationship with Rin develops and how she handles Kakashi. Great work and I'm really looking forward to the next update.
Mrs.Vendetta chapter 4 . 8/13/2012
I loe your stoy please update soon...
Otakugal chapter 4 . 8/13/2012
uuuuuummmm...what the hell just happened? Are Rin and Kakashi fuck buddies or something? is that why Rin said they were, "complicated"?
minniemousemom chapter 4 . 8/13/2012
loved the update very good
Joele chapter 4 . 8/13/2012
Mirrorsdeath17 chapter 4 . 8/13/2012
Since you love giving us cliffhangers you better update fast. I don't mind OCs it's bound to happen. But update.
I command you with the power of my twisted spoon.
Do it.
Prescripto13 chapter 4 . 8/13/2012
Loved Kakashi's entrance. One of Gai's challenges, perhaps? Or did Kakashi need a little "liquid courage?" XD
cocoalover chapter 4 . 8/13/2012
That darn cat is going to ruin everything! though it does make everything even more interesting. Finally s meets k! but im glad you havent jumped into things and sped up the story, and are taking things slow and actually creating a very good plot. I still can't believe k kissed s! he sure knows how to make an entrance! chapter 4 . 8/13/2012
HOW can we resist to a drunk-and-kissing kakashi?gotta love at first sight.
it seems like he's in his ANBU time, which i love by the way, and if he did show up at a party ALREADY drunk i definitely feel i'm gonna love him and this story.
but pleaaaase stop with the teasing and bring lots and lots of kakashi goodness!
hope to read from a healthy you soon!
p.s. is my english even remotely understandable?i'm actually from italy and i don't really know if i'm any good at it.
Salinia chapter 4 . 8/13/2012
Great chapter!
Can't wait to read more!
TheYellowShoe chapter 3 . 8/10/2012
WOW! Very good story, can't wait for the next chapter.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/8/2012
Wow. This has to be one of the best time travel fics I have ever read. I hope you update really soon. Please and thank you! ;)
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