Reviews for You Came Back to Me
BaiPesho chapter 14 . 9/25/2022
Bryson, we're gonna talk business soon. I need you for the sake of all. PM will follow tommorrow.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/20/2022
This is beautifull. You gave me the closure I never had. A happyly ever after to our story that, as it stood, quite literally had a single gasp of hope.

I hope Mass Effect 4 will be a worthy succesor to a tale so good it inspired creations such as this. Keelah Se'lai.
whyamilikethiss chapter 14 . 7/20/2022
I really enjoyed that, good work! I know it's old as fuck, but still.
Enforcer209 chapter 14 . 7/17/2022
Well that was fun
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2022
I just finished the Mass Effecf Trilogy for the first time last night. I chose what I thought to be a selfish choice, destroying the Reapers alongside Edi and The Geth but I felt I had to. The way Tali said “Come back to me” made me want more than anything for this to end with Shepard and Tali on her home world, building a home, a life together. Thank you so much for making this, this is offering me the closure I was sorely lacking, I haven’t cried this much in a long time.
Pillowchan87 chapter 14 . 7/4/2022
This was nearly perfect. Loved it so much. I need more happy endings with Separd and Tali.
Mr.G77 chapter 1 . 6/6/2022
I once discovered this fic years ago... I have been trying to find this awesome creation again... To finally find it today is absolutely amazing!

Still as awesome and heartfelt and incredibly detailed as I remember!
BirdMan30 chapter 14 . 5/10/2022
Out fucking standing, a beautifully crafted story that is cannon for most of us. If BioWare came out and said your story was cannon I wouldn’t be surprised because of how well this was made. Fantastic work my friend
Casper chapter 14 . 4/20/2022
I do not know if you even get notifications or even looked at them if you do. But regardless, Let me just say that reading this after completing the Mass Effect Trilogy just the other day and seeing the events of the story and romance with Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy and the rest of the crew, It has been my absolute pleasure to find and read this. Having gotten the 'Best' ending with HMS, and seeing that final scene after the heartbreaking departure of Tali from the field of battle in London; "Come back to me," struck me real hard and I am so happy I had the good fortune to read this and get the closure that my Shepard fought so hard for.

Thank you, T. Bryson.
thebigmeme chapter 14 . 2/28/2022
This is the cannon ending to the shepherd lives ending and you can’t convince me otherwise.

Seriously though, this was excellent.
Vas Boshtet chapter 14 . 2/23/2022
This provided the closure I sorely needed, I’m extremely sad because I want more and more but this is now my head cannon ending to me3.
Of course I still want just one more game playing as commander Shepard and have my sweet quarian back but because of this fan-fic I’ll be okay if it doesn’t happen.
ganz1912 chapter 14 . 2/21/2022
I am writing this in 2021, I don't know if the author will read it, if he will still be active on this page, but I just wanted to thank you for the best closure that could have been given to the best trilogy in the history of video games.
Personally, I never would have imagined before that a story (apparently secondary) could have moved me as much as the romance between Tali and Shepard. So much so that I must even confess, at the end of the trilogy, I was more dissatisfied with not being able to see the two characters together and united "building a house in Rannoch" than with the controversy about the "color endings". I loved Rannoch's post-mission cinematic, where Tali was actually talking about building a house, accompanied by the beautiful Vigil soundtrack. And I was devastated later at the end of the final mission, when Tali begged Shepard to come back to her. Never before has a story moved me so much. Tali is by far the best female character I have ever seen in a video game, with her charisma, her sweetness and her altruism, with her gradual evolution from the insecure girl in ME1, to the quarian mechanic that is impossible not to fall in love in ME2, to the admiral of ME3, without ever losing its charming essence.
I discovered the fanfic by chance, someone had recommended it on Reddit, and when I started reading it, I just couldn't stop until the end. I found it incredible how the author captured the essence of the characters so well, with dialogues that one repeated mentally in one's head with his original voices.
I think that only someone who has also been left with such a bitter taste of the ending could have written something like this, not resigning himself to such an unfair ending as Bioware gave us, to instead give us a fantastic story about the reunion between Shepard and Tali, such as they both deserved: the way the dying Shepard nonetheless chooses to live alone because he knows Tali will suffer so much from his loss, the way Tali risks her own life clinging to the news that Shepard is alive.
Simply thanks.
Matt chapter 14 . 12/20/2021
That was very good, very very good. I see you wrote this some time ago, I hope you’re still writing new things.
mohammad.fakhreddin chapter 14 . 12/6/2021
Great closure to the story. I felt that the ending was incomplete. After I read your story I feel much better.
Great job!
Also, one thing to note. Tali knew about the shadow-broker. There was a dialog about it if you pick Liara for geth dreadnought.
donutz992 chapter 1 . 11/4/2021
This is the best Talimancer story ever!
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