Reviews for Cake and Lies
Grey Noise chapter 14 . 4/10/2013
It's always great to see authors coming back and finishing these stories I read so long ago. Thanks for keeping at it, MVTK42! The ending had a bit of everything that good adventure endings should: some redemption, some tragedy, some action, some pain. The ever-present and dreaded ambiguous sequel hook.

I don't think I've ever commented here, but you really have Wheatley's voice down. His mannerisms, his inflections, and especially those subtle little turns of phrase showing that this Wheatley remembers being British really sell the character.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed this story. Thanks for the story, and best of luck with your next great venture, what- and wheresoever it may be.
MissHaunted-MoonLight chapter 12 . 3/18/2013
Aagghhhh! This is bloody fantastic! Seriously, brilliantly written, delightfully witty and Wheatley is just... Gahhh! Me loves!

Please, I beg you from the deepest recesses of my battered soul, give me more delicious Wheatleyness...

Desperately anticipating,
Blessed Be,
Mogwai x X x
Guest chapter 12 . 1/28/2013
Omg please, please, please! Update soon! I'm hooked and I just couldn't bare the thought of this being a dead fic.
Maybeawriter chapter 1 . 11/14/2012
Oh God...
I know it's going to get better, I know he lives (at least a little longer,) because of the summary and because frankly there wouldn’t be a story if he didn’t, it would just be over.
But… Oh God, this is probably what actually happened.
I mean, we want to think maybe he somehow made it back to Earth, maybe got shoved in a human-like body and escaped and/or made up with Chell. Maybe even went on to live a somewhat normal life.
But in reality… This is probably what really happened. If they didn’t crash into the moon or something, and they weren’t solar powered, their batteries would have just… ran out, eventually. And batteries don’t run out without warning, so he would have known, would have understood what was going to happen, like here.
And, he didn’t ask to go to android heaven, or at least to not go to android hell, no. In his last moments, he just wanted to apologize to Chell. I can’t even…
I’m sorry for any typos, I’m using a spellchecker but I can hardly see my keyboard through the tears so it’s possible I don’t know what I’m doing…
This is brilliant. That’s all I can say. It’s brilliant, and so in-character it’s almost physically painful. I’m sure I’ll love the rest if it’s half as good as this chapter. But honestly, this feels like it could stand alone as an incredibly sad one-shot of what probably happened in the end.
Niqi chapter 5 . 11/7/2012
YAY CANON UNIVERSE GLADOS! I particularly liked the bit where she promised to explain, and then lied about never lying.
Niqi chapter 4 . 11/5/2012
Oh my god, you made Bendy a character. What even.
Niqi chapter 3 . 10/30/2012
Finally not so confused. Also think Chell is probably GLaDOS, so there aren't two after all. Still have no idea where the hell this fic is going and how it ties in with the apparently canonical-universe beginning.
Niqi chapter 2 . 10/30/2012
I think you might have intended for the readers to think that the test subject was Chell up until the end. And it totally worked despite her sounding so GLaDOS-like. And then I read the thing about the yellow eyes and did a double-take. WHAT IS GOING ON WHY IS WHEATLEY HUMAN IS THIS THE PAST WHY IS GLADOS A TEST SUBJECT AND ALSO AN A.I. AUGHHHHH I AM SO CONFUSED.
Niqi chapter 1 . 10/30/2012
Damn good Wheatley voice you've got there.
Ignotus Somnium chapter 12 . 10/19/2012
This story is incredible. It started a bit shaky, but you've found your stride and taken off. You're really good at describing Wheatley's emotional state, and GLaDOS' voice is fantastic. The part where Wheatley reboots ChellDOS is perfect in that trainwreck sort of way: the reader wants so badly for it to go differently, but knows that doing that scene any other way would have been a cop-out.

Fantastic job; can't wait to see where you take it. :D
Blank2022 chapter 12 . 10/17/2012
I adore this.
I adore this with all the strength of a thousand rhinos. This is wonderfully written and the moment between ChellDOS and Wheatley broke my heart. Please come back and finish this.
ScottishPanties chapter 12 . 10/8/2012
This fic has been a great read so far-I love what you've done to subvert some of the common plot points in other stories like this. Also, it really cheered me to have Rick come back this chapter, Wheatley has seriously been needing someone on his side! You're great at ending each chapter on a cliffhanger without it feeling like a cheap shot or forced.

I do have one bit of criticism, but it's fairly small: I think you have Wheatley use the word "bloody" way too often. It gets pretty distracting and repetitive when he says it more than once in a sentence, and there are plenty of other British curses he could be using.

Aside from that one small detail, though, I've really enjoyed this fic, and look forward to more! You shouldn't get so down on yourself in each of the Author Notes, because you've put out some great work here. Thanks for the read!
superkim111 chapter 12 . 10/6/2012
And apparently I accidentally sent that review as a guest. Oh well. Here I am.
Guest chapter 12 . 10/6/2012
I saw the recommendation for this story on TV Tropes and decided to check it out. I brought it up about twelve hours ago and do to some interruptions only just finished reading it. Keeping that in mind I would like to say thank you. While I'm sure I could have done things today that were a lot more productive than reading this story I doubt they would have been as enjoyable. For instance during this chapter when I read 'singing his Danger Music' I smiled like a lunatic and yelled "Oh my gosh Rick!". My father, who was five feet away from me, promptly looked at me like I'd grown a second head and asked who Rick was. And while I had no answer I'm sure the Adventure Core would be pleased that his appearance would get such a reaction from a woman. Would that have happened if I'd been doing dishes or folding laundry? No. No it would not. So I am adding this to my Story Alerts and eagerly await the next chapter. See you then.
Aryashi chapter 12 . 10/4/2012
YES! I'm so glad Wheatley has someone on his side in this mad house! Rick had been great this whole fic and I'm very happy to see that pay off! Also the gun metaphor? Genius. Was that a subtle reference to the shotgun scene in Blue Sky or am I reaching? Either way its amazing.

Caroline going after the bots so she could get Wheatley all to herself was also amazing. I look forward to seeing where this goes and how the bros team up to take GLaDOS down!
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