Reviews for Yellow
Kirenakoto chapter 15 . 4/9/2024
Your yellow was really beautiful, you are talented...have you become a writer now?

But I don't think those two deserve such a bitter ending, so I think you could have chosen a better ending... do you hate Aomine or something?
He definitely cannot cope with the death of his beloved and about basketball he would not continue.
10977 chapter 1 . 2/16/2023
It's been officially 10 years since I read this story, even though at the time I still hadn't read the manga. Officially, I have now waited for Kise for 10 years just like Aomine ;;A;; Thank you for destroying my heart 10 years ago (in a good way). This will always be THE iconic Kurobas fic you recommend to everyone who gets into the fandom
soccer2010 chapter 14 . 10/31/2021
Wow. It's crazy that I found this story 8 years after you finished it. But damn, I'm so glad I did. I saw someone make a fan video with this as the inspiration and I just needed to see what the hype was about. Totally worth it. This gave me the save vibe as when i use to watch that CBS show Cold Case. You are really talented. I hope you are still creating.

So I tried to write this review on chapter 15 but apparently I already reviewed it. 4 years ago. I don't remember that at all. But I read the review I left and I mentioned the show Cold Case. That got a laugh out of me.
O. Puspa .O chapter 15 . 7/29/2019
I was watching an AoKise AMV when I saw everyone in the comment section mentioned this fic. So I got curious if this fic is as sad as everyone said. I didn't expect the storyline would be like this tho.

At first I was a bit upset because almost everyone were like "Oh, hi died? That's very unfortunate. Please inform me if you solve the case". But then, it has been 10 years since he disappeared, so I think it'd be more unrealistic if everyone breakdown when Kagami break the news. An then Aomine came to the frame.

I really like how you portray Aomine character. He's so... well, Aomine. The way your Aomine express his emotions was not excessive, but still very deep. Instead of lashing out, he poured his frustration and grief by sending messages to Kise. Anyway, I can really see Aomine in your Aomine.

Ah, the phone messages. I think it's going to stuck in my head for years. No kidding. I'm crying river ever since Kagami discovered them. Everything became much much more emotional after I read them. There's so much I want to say, but I can't form the words. You did a great (like very very great) for the last blow. When Aomine's phone died right after he sent his goodbye message. A bit cliche, but I couldn't think a better way to end the story.

Kise is such a sweetheart. He's my favorite character in the series, so I love how you make him loved by all. I'm very glad that he didn't give his relationship up when he was told to leave Aomine. Even when it made him dead :(

This is the longest review I have ever write. I hope you see how much I appreciate this masterpiece. I'm gonna reread this when I craving for high-quality-angst-fanfic. Yes, I'm a masochist like that haha. See you later, Author-nim
OpheliaLEUNG chapter 15 . 4/3/2019
Finally got here…It had been 7 years since the first time I got to know (and read and cry for) this novel via a Chinese translation and it really struck my heart so poor in English that I come to the original soooo late!TAT Thanks for writing such a striking story!AOKI IS REAL!(Crying loud
serepanda chapter 15 . 12/10/2018
I'd like to thank you for this amazing fanfic that i literally spent a whole day reading! It is one of the most beautiful fics I've read before and I deep down truly love it 3
Also, great job for making the first Aokise fanfic for me to cry properly with my full heart and soul :')

Thanks again!

P.S. Yes, i sat with Aomine to cry through this fic :')
yourfriendlyneighborhoodturtle chapter 15 . 11/10/2018
So, you killed me with this. I managed to hold back the tears until this chapter and everything, but oh my gosh, those messages Aomine sent Kise! and the ear ring *ugly sobbing* Thanks so much for writing and sharing.
IloveAOKISE chapter 15 . 11/2/2018
Im so heartbroken right now
Im running out of battery
I just wanna tell you at youre a really good writer and this is one of the best fics ive ever read
Keep it up
Write a book~(*o*)
BlackNinja0227 chapter 15 . 9/29/2018
For years, I have been glancing over this fanfiction for one reason and one reason only. I was afraid to find out who dies. I love all the characters in Kuroko no Basketball, and it pains me to think of death befalling any of the characters. However, I gathered up the courage to finally read this emotional roller coaster of a story and I am (sobbingly)happy. You brilliantly express love in its deepest form and I cant help but comment on your skills. I was already saddened at finding out who died and it just got so much harder keeping in my tears until finally... I am a mess sobbing on my couch. All I could think about was the sad image of Kise floating at the bottom lake, tied up with blank eyes, moving back and forth depending on the current. Its heartbreaking to even type up that image and the tears are messing with my vision. Anyways, the point I am trying to get to is, you have moved my heart with this story and I am forever grateful to you as a writer for pulling my heart strings. You don't get enough credit in my eyes. If any future work is done, I cant wait to reading it.
Aokise shipper chapter 15 . 4/11/2018
"Let's play basketball again the next time we meet."
I can't verbally explain how sad and heartbroken I am right now.
I know that a lot of people have already said this but, your story is so well-written and intricate. And i've never realized how much one person can love another and how strong their love can really be to the point where in the other would wait for a miracle for as long as 10 years because the one the love has already become a big part of their lives.
I find it extremely devastating and heartbreaking; Kise dying and everyone he knew and knew him, everyone he loved and loved him, cried and mourned altogether.
Personal opinion: I think the part/line that said "It's strainge how easily a person can adapt when someone disappears/dies" (or something like that) means that no matter what happens, life must always keep on going. You need move on and continue. The loved ones you've lost never actually left you. And it doesn't mean you can't see them doesn't mean they're not there.
This has been the saddest fanfic I've ever read so far along with Gutters (a Hetalia fanfiction).
I also can't verbally explain how much i love this story and how great the writer is (damn author-san, you should really be an official author! So awesome!)
Aokise shipper chapter 10 . 4/10/2018
Okokokok enough feels TT
LadyElizabeth2002 chapter 1 . 1/17/2018
This fanfiction is insanely good. I’m not the biggest fan of the Aomine x Kise or Kagami x Kuroko ships but I still read this all of the way through because the character development, plot, and the story in general are so amazing.
Passerby chapter 15 . 1/12/2018
This was grievously tragic the feels my god the feels. The way the author portrayed aomine from denial, anger, bargaining, depression to acceptance was so canon I can imagine him like that.

Thank you for creating such wonderful piece.
Arthygold chapter 15 . 12/12/2017
first my apologies for my bad English U.U
This is my first comment in English but I had to do it. Your fic is so amazing!
I had so much hope for Aomine and Kise ...
Why...? Why is he dead ?
I think a lot of people have already said that, but I cried so much TT-TT

I can not summarize all that I felt because there's so much to say but I love your story so much!

And when I read the flashbacks and the messages...OMG my heart! Especially the end T-T
Ok I stop crying. Let's go back to the fic more seriously.
You have such talent ! Throughout the whole story, one would have thought himself in one of these detective series. You write so well.

I hope you will make other stories like this
thanks for that awesome fanfic
Arthygold :)
AoKise Forever chapter 10 . 11/4/2017
Fuck my life- Your story is a drug.
I'm so addicted, pretty much living, depending on this story... I've never ever read the same fanfict over ten times in a single week...
Why why why why WHY is Kise dead? *Cries with Aomine.

Story's beautiful, devastingly so.
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