Reviews for True Nature
drboggs chapter 12 . 11/12/2024
Delicious idea. Had a great time, thank you for sharing it!
GirlOnFire30 chapter 12 . 3/8/2024
This was great! Really enjoyed this. Thank you for writing a wonderful story.
ImYours1901 chapter 12 . 11/6/2023
This is amazing, i could’ve sworn i had read it before, years ago and only read it again because i loves the premise, but the ending was not familiar to me at all soo I’m glad i continued reading it! I loved everything about it!
DICATAKADD chapter 1 . 5/29/2023
This is excellent. I saw it suggested today in a thread.
SianJohn chapter 12 . 5/22/2023
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story with us, I thoroughly enjoyed your unique take on the original.
WildChild1954 chapter 12 . 8/29/2022
Are you ever going to finish this story?
tricklem chapter 12 . 5/27/2022
Loved it! Thank you for sharing your story. Hopefully the next installment will be posted soon.
JoVersify chapter 12 . 2/20/2022
Well! This was a FUN RIDE! I thoroughly enjoyed KING EDWARD through this entire fic, and especially at the end!

Great place to leave it off, and maybe some day you'll come back for a Part III that speaks to you!

Thank you for this lovely little fic!
JoVersify chapter 11 . 2/20/2022
I could not stop giggling and snorting through this entire chapter. The visual you painted (so casually I might add) of a completely dishevelled Cullen clan, groaning at the constant onslaught of visions, feelings, smells... HAHAHA!

Fucking priceless.

One more to go! Woohoo!
JoVersify chapter 10 . 2/20/2022
Well shit. Perhaps a change of plan is in order, no? I believe Bella will certainly demand it, come hell or high water.

I do think you may have won the Vampire 1st Mating Scene writing. Intense doesn't even begin to cover it.

And I do love how... insufferably unapologetic he is. I really, REALLY do.

Until the next!
JoVersify chapter 9 . 2/20/2022
Oh, good Lord. TIT-FOR-FUCKING-TAT! This chapter was just DELICIOUS! Edward is so much cockier than I expected him to be, and I fucking love it.

I want to write more, but you left it in a spot. You know.

Till the next!
JoVersify chapter 8 . 2/20/2022
This story is so delightful. I will admit, I'm slightly confused at her change of... heart? Plan? How extensive is it? Was much of it a direct result of Edward's lies right at the end? Hoping a little more detail will come to light in the next chapter.

But brilliant, nonetheless. The idea of her fighting the venom, trying to shield herself... and being successful enough to escape the institute and drive away, only to then crash and roll the car... this was such a great viscerally visual scene.

Till the next!
JoVersify chapter 7 . 2/20/2022
What a fabulous twist. I am so happy to know that the 12 chaps is actually the end and this is not a WIP.

Fabulous writing. Just wonderful and engaging but most importantly, NOT BORING (oh, how I've suffered!)

I can see why you are under contract with publishers. ;)

Till the next!
JoVersify chapter 4 . 2/18/2022
Love this line:
"I was struck by the insight that both were inanimate objects, not human, not living, but both transformed by virtuosity—the music he brought forth as no one alive could."

I found it to be intriguing and original to have the music be what draws her to him fully. Beautiful.

Till the next!
JoVersify chapter 3 . 2/18/2022
Oh my dear lord how I love a captive Edward, observed, yet so very in control.

You've done this so very well.


On to the next,
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