Reviews for Façade
TheGirlBehindTheRayBans chapter 9 . 4/29/2013
Loving the story :) -R
wintersalad chapter 41 . 4/28/2013
I love this! So sweet and charming!
Kaori Matarr chapter 15 . 4/12/2013
Hello again. I know that you finished this story ages ago but I thought it only fair to leave a review 'cause it seems I'm getting addicted.
I was slightly confused that Erik is talking swedish. Didn't you mention he was from Germany? I guess it's not really important to the story which language he actually talks ... it was just itching in my brain ;o) So don't worry. I love it nonetheless :oD
WildStrike chapter 41 . 4/10/2013
Holy shit this was fantastic! You made the relationship so natural and I absolutely loved Ella and Erik. Really, really, REALLY great.
InsomniaWaffle chapter 3 . 4/5/2013
JGLDKSGLKSGKDHSJKGHSKJGDKJGHS fooking awesome! :D love this so far its amazing! -
Guest chapter 6 . 4/5/2013
'Tri-Wands was established after the Final Battle of Hogwarts and bringing wand makers back to Diagon Alley, re-opening the shop was the idea of Draco Malfoy (a former, notorious Hogwarts student and son of one of Voldemort's prominent supporters, Lucius Malfoy). Draco Malfoy had turned away from the dark side, concentrating on establishing and growing his own business empire.'

I doubt they would use Voldemort, they would probably say you-know-who
Guest chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
Draco is a cool name! It means Dragon in Latin!
ArianaKatnissGranger chapter 41 . 4/1/2013
I loved this story so much defiantly one if my favourite Dramione stories
DarkViolet7258 chapter 41 . 4/1/2013
This story was really sweet. Thank you for sharing it
Deranged Reviewer chapter 24 . 3/23/2013
I just found your story and I've been reading it for the past two days and I'm hooked. AMAZING build up so far of their characters and relationships. I don't think it's slow at my own opinion, this is how it ought to be done.

Taking a break from reading to review this wonderful chapter. This was incredibly sexy. This was smut without the sex, without the kissing. Heck, I daresay that you've written a better ahem, mature, chapter than most who only specifically focus on that. The descriptions in this chapter were spot on and tantalizing, nothing too forced.

Seeing as you're already finished with this story, the only advice I can really give is that you ought to have a beta. I think your chapters have all been wonderful but you need a beta for the grammar and just a polish. Thanks for the amazing story thus far!
SiriusJess chapter 41 . 3/20/2013
Seriously amazing story! Loved every part of it :)
ShadowOfOurFlight chapter 41 . 3/18/2013
I think this is my favourite story! Its soooo awesome and its like a huge family. I dont know how you do it but your a bloody well awesome writer!
As you may have noticed I've read all of your stories except the tidbit begging one called 'harmony' sooooo finish that up and use another awesome idea from your awesome creative imagination! :)
keep on writing gurl!
Lia :D
KageOkami-Kogo chapter 41 . 3/13/2013
You know that moment where you want to squeal in joy but you hold it in and nearly burt with the effort to contain such joyful emotions? That sums up my feelings for this story LOL! I adored every letter and sincerely hope you write more! I'm most definitely putting you on alerts :) you're officially one of my favorite Harry Potter fandom authors!
SiriuslyMrsMalfoy chapter 1 . 3/8/2013
I already love this!

"... she had said a sentence that sent Hermione flying back in time.

"My Father will hear about this!"

Hermione watched the young girl as she sat unhappily at her table. Well, she was right about that - if one thing was certain, Draco Malfoy would definitely hear about this!" Laughing so hard

I think Elladora is already a favourite of mine.

And also, I absolutely adore the name Scorpius, it's kinda hot. Eep .

Can't wait to read more. See you on the other side ;)
LivMore chapter 41 . 2/25/2013
you are such an absolutely terrific writer! everything was so well planned out and I loved the kids too. I could not stop reading this!
My favorite would obviously be the snowed in part. Also the part right before Ella interrupts them.
I kind of wished there was more written about everyones reaction when Draco and Hermione go public. Maybe you could write a one shot or something. *winkwink*

Anyway, it was extremely adorable all the way through.


P.S. I followed you and faved your story it was that good. you could be writer...
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