Reviews for Façade
Hotmamantx chapter 12 . 5/2/2016
I am enjoying the story ( 12 out of 41) but really if ur going to use French dialogue then I really wish u had translate it in author notes at the bottom of the chapters
Kelsey441 chapter 41 . 4/18/2016
I really liked the story. I like that you didn't have Hermione pregnant with Draco's child. They were happy even without that.
Kelsey chapter 13 . 4/17/2016
Goodness, how old are they?! At first, I was thinking early 30s - old enough to have an 11 or 12 year old if Draco had children soon after Hogwarts. But now that I know Daphne had an 11 year old before Draco and Astoria even started dating. I guess they must be significantly older.
SuYuChen chapter 41 . 3/28/2016
Thank you for the story! I really enjoyed! ()
Carroux chapter 41 . 3/26/2016
Just wow.. I've never liked a story with children from a protagonist until now. This story was incredible. I've enjoyed it sooo much that I read the whole story in one session xD So thank you again for this incredible storySorry for any grammatical issues, I'm not an English native :S
SusanMarieS chapter 41 . 1/7/2016
I love this story. Thank you
chelszy chapter 37 . 12/6/2015
Thank you for this story! I really like the part that his children play in bringing the two together as well as the healing that has taken place :) The ending was a little of a cop out for me though, it was cliche and Hermione jumped to conclusions without having any prior basis to suspect cheating (or whatever) at all, and took the kick out of the sweet ending of the story for me. But good job overall, it was a great read!
Bookshelflover394 chapter 24 . 11/26/2015
Oh. Damn.
Bookshelflover394 chapter 12 . 11/26/2015
Dang it i wish i knew french!
Guest chapter 41 . 10/16/2015
I expected Fabian to play more of a role in this story. I'm glad Erik backed off and he and Celia got together. Draco was really sweet at the end.

I just think - isn't it a bit awkward for them? Hermione's the stepmother and professor of her husband's children. And they re-met at Hogwarts, around the time of the Mentoring Programme. It's ... the timing's pretty off. People might say Draco's only doing it for the academic perks to his children. (They'd probably just ignore those kinds of words, though.)

How does a Mentoring Programme work with students from years 1-3? How can Ella put it off till she finishes school? Isn't she in second year? She's got 5 more years then. :/
Guest chapter 41 . 10/16/2015

Will Hermione have children of her own?
Guest chapter 26 . 10/16/2015
I think it's better she leave for Hogwarts.
Guest chapter 23 . 10/16/2015

"should be interesting" - indeed! You're right - it is a semi-believable excuse. It seems, though, that you've put a lot of effort into getting them alone. I hope nothing untoward happens and I hope that the past doesn't repeat itself, that is, I do not want Hermione and Erik to become and item only for it to end because she kisses Draco (again), because that seems to be where this is headed.

I hope either Erik sees the signs and backs off or Draco and Hermione give it up - Draco, mostly. He seems to already be developing romantic feelings for Hermione and his romantic inclination towards her are stronger than hers are towards him. He also seems to be trying to give up Hermione by going with Celia.

It would be entirely amusing if Erik is revealed to have been trying to play matchmaker from the start - or if he backs off and trys that. Celia, too.
Guest chapter 21 . 10/16/2015
"I've engineered a night together at the lodge" - If your characters could read your notes, they'd call you meddlesome.
Guest chapter 14 . 10/16/2015
What did he mean "Cross everything"?
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