Reviews for Break Through the Limit
AK chapter 17 . 9/4/2022
Raditz, Raditz!
AL chapter 10 . 9/4/2022
Yamcha & Tien get to go to space this time!
AK chapter 8 . 9/4/2022
Tien, nice
AL chapter 7 . 9/4/2022
Thank goodness Yamcha survived
najeebshah37 chapter 26 . 9/3/2022
Kinda stupid that break wont make it a 3 super saiyam vs 2 androids fight and possibly finish them off while goku and raditz arw still fresh
najeebshah37 chapter 25 . 9/3/2022
The ammount of political signalling is appalling.
najeebshah37 chapter 20 . 9/3/2022
Also building cold to be stronger than cooler and leading to this anti climatic end lel
najeebshah37 chapter 20 . 9/3/2022
Alright, gender swapping trunks was the last straw. Unfollowed.
najeebshah37 chapter 19 . 9/3/2022
Eh first you took kioken from goku, then being the first super saiyan and now this? Not even instant transmission..
najeebshah37 chapter 17 . 9/3/2022
Goku definitely should have been the first super saiyan, especially with his base power being near namek levels in the original. Raditz base power is too weak even as a suoer saiyan to match cooler. Badly written chapter tbh
AGreatReader chapter 20 . 8/17/2022
She doesn't mention she came from the future, she only says this will happen and no one even thinks to ask how do you know
Jamal5Foot chapter 7 . 5/25/2022
great chapter love this so far
KinglyWisdom chapter 12 . 4/9/2022
Zarbon playing 4D Chess on Namek
Kuro.435 chapter 21 . 2/14/2022
So Trunks is Zarbon’s huh? A pity, I would have like a RaditzxBulma pairing
Kuro.435 chapter 18 . 2/13/2022
damn that’s just wild
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