Reviews for Poisoned Heart
Guest chapter 19 . 10/5/2021
- Snake
*The question was what breed?*

Setting aside the possibility of a hybrid, than the Papuan Taipan, which is a Coastal Taipan subspecies should be a strong contender.

Delivers large amounts of venom in a bite, it's one of the highest toxicity levels and it's a rather surly critter, so far more likely to bite (and bite often) than slither off when threatened.
Guest chapter 15 . 10/5/2021
*Who ever stays dead in a comic universe? Bedside's Uncle Ben of course.*

Captain Mar-Vell, the pink skinned Kree from Marvel, Eric "Thunderstrike" Masterson and Ben "Scarlet Spider" Reilly are the only main characters who come to mind.

Beyond secondary/tertiary characters like the parents of Batman, Nightwing, Superman, Supergirl, Power Girl, that GF of Kyle Raynor who got fridged. Martian Manhunter's family?

Wol Ryung chapter 17 . 6/23/2021
Kill Harvey!
deathgeonous chapter 23 . 6/22/2021
This is perhaps, you're most evil cliffy. Thanks for writing this, and bye for now.
Isahh chapter 23 . 6/5/2021
Amazing! Hope you continue this story.
Aeowyyn chapter 23 . 4/11/2021
I came into this story skeptical but have a soft spot for Ivy, and I love that you made her fem harry. I was surprised at first how quickly you killed off hermione and then actually surprised with Dent that was well done. Although the pregnancy with harley and hermione part i find personally odd and forced i still look forward to the fun that could come out of a relationship between two very different characters. Hope to see updates at some point.
ArashiNokitsune chapter 23 . 3/28/2021
this is an awesome story and one thing I can confirm is that it gets more interesting with every surprise it drops on you to bad this hasn't been worked on in a long time
aurelialeeigyn chapter 23 . 1/24/2021
im love this book i waiting for next chapter
Guest chapter 11 . 12/19/2020
darksnow515 chapter 23 . 12/18/2020
I love this story and come back to read it from time to time.

I hope you come back to it and finish it
Son of sea 9 tail chapter 1 . 12/5/2020
Is it wrong that so far I am happy for him to have magic England if he doesn’t draw attention from the powered people for may as well be powered that would kick he’s ass to the sun and back
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 19 . 11/30/2020
If you ever decide to come back to this one.

- Familiar
Hybrid would seem like a better choice.

The Black-necked spitting cobra for its ranged ability, intermixed with a King Cobra, due to their protectiveness towards their fertilized eggs and ability to leap as well.

- Firepower
If you want to give Hermione more oomph, than have her be interested in Technomagic.

Originally with the idea that it might allow her to walk again (think the exoskeleton from the TV show Mantis).

Just that she never had the funds to fully dive into it.

With Ivy's help that might change and she could end up with a suit akin to Dr. Doom or Iron Man/Ironhesrt/Rescue/War machine, just magic based. (While the Mundanes think it's science based.)

Bit of a counterpart to Steel as well.

nice chapter 1 . 11/3/2020
glad this trash is abandoned
nightwing27 chapter 23 . 10/2/2020
idiots who post their stories and then never finishes it good thing I write my stories first then post the completed story unlike others who waits for stupid reviews to contune on to next chapter
Spitfire40K chapter 23 . 10/2/2020
Love this story please continue!
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