Reviews for Poisoned Heart
lorien46 chapter 23 . 9/29/2020
Update. ? It’s a great story
Time Emperor chapter 23 . 9/23/2020
Pooh, I hope there's a sequel sometime in the future.
Ivygldg chapter 23 . 9/15/2020
Hi! Any chance of you updating this again?
Tea chapter 23 . 8/27/2020
Please update again. I really enjoyed the story and how well it was written.
Dakdak2016 chapter 23 . 8/15/2020
hope you come back to this love it
Face Yourself chapter 23 . 8/12/2020
This was... better than I thought it would be. I was worried you'd jump straight into mostly HP universe, and I hate when fics like this waste their potential by doing that. It's a fine universe to take characters from, but absolute rubbish to send characters into.
Sifo-Dyas chapter 1 . 8/10/2020
You can't really tell people not complain. Its kinda a human right to disagree or try to use constructive criticism.
yue14121990 chapter 23 . 8/1/2020
wish for more chapter please update soon
eprince200 chapter 3 . 7/23/2020
Spellflame chapter 23 . 6/19/2020
Spellflame chapter 1 . 6/19/2020
Her parents will be Livid
ElizaCayne chapter 23 . 6/8/2020
Im sad you stopped this.
Healer chapter 23 . 5/21/2020
Rats! I only realized how long it has been since your last uodate once I caught up to the end of this chapter!

Well... i love how you blended the fandoms, to whuch I confess I was wary before I indulged in curioaity and started reading.

I hope that the league of justices ends up helping ivy defend against dumbledore and voldemort.
I think at least Harvey will assist in any way he cans because of his relation with dumbledore via Hermione, whom by the way, I love you kept alive, I disliked it when severus was thinking about her dead and McGinagal's ressign... where is she by the way?

Anyway, adding this to alerts hoping you are still around and find your way back to your muse.
Guest chapter 23 . 5/12/2020
Great story, please add more
Guest chapter 1 . 4/25/2020
Great story. Please continue.
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