Reviews for Glass House
Sarah Amin chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
God .. i expected the A/N to warn of graphic grotesque abuse or something ..
It's good though you didnt promise a HEA , although i favor them but i loved your story before so i'll just wait and see before judging ..
burnlikecandles chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
I'm scared, but fuck it, I'm intrigued.
ImYours1901 chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
hmm, so the opening chapter was different, told a bit about Edward's I know he's in a band, and I love them type of fic's so I'll be sticking around.
Maplestyle chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
God, it's gonna rip out my heart and stomp all over it..but I don't think I could flounce you BB..even if he (or she) turns into a cheating cheater who cheats..or whatever...but I may cry and that's my warning to you. I might cry and I might call you a big meany peany pants, but at the end of the day I'll love you anyway cause your writing is fantastic!
kuntrygal chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
I love you & your fics. But I don't do angst, my fragile heart can't take it. I'm a HEA gal. I can handle angst when I know there is a HEA lol.
Courtney37 chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
Ooh I think I'll add this to my alerts but won't read till its done. Lol I'm one of the faint at heart fail. Are we talking cheating on purpose? Or what for sure can you say? :) I'll hold on till it gets bad but then I'll wait. Im a wimp. :) can you promise a HEA? Or no? Now I'm nervous for more. :/ thanks again
MsHavisham79 chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
Thanks for the warning you were posting whore! There, that's my one flame comment on the whole story. Did I pop your cherry?
Dude, you know I want to shout from the rooftops about this and anyone who is scared - send them to me because you know it busts about all my hard limits and I love it so much anyway. I'll soothe people's frazzled nerves and let them know its worth EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT. OF. HEARTFAIL. because its so amazing.
I love you to death.
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