Reviews for A Darkened World
Jiro chapter 17 . 2/9
Not enough revenge towards ron. I wanted to read about him getting more crap happen to him for his bad attitude
rabate1981 chapter 11 . 1/16
I don't think I've ever seen author destroy their own story in such a spectacular fashion. Dumbest thing you ever could have done.

Snape being the killer was in every single paper, it was never thought of being Harry, not once. Idiot
AerynS chapter 17 . 1/7
This was very well-done! Thank you!
Guest chapter 17 . 10/25/2024
Well writen story with a bittersweet ending, thank you
Atomikboots chapter 17 . 10/18/2024
Good story well worth reading
blcoachmac chapter 17 . 7/16/2024
Excellent job!
Blueberry Babe chapter 17 . 7/12/2024
a well written story. thank you. I truly enjoyed it.
SMB chapter 6 . 2/1/2024
Dropping this shit. You couldn't come up with any other way to force a confrontation than to copy other people's work? What a f**king waste.
All Rose had to do was show Harry her tits and they would win the war. Voldy can't handle the truth that love will destroy everything.
SMB chapter 3 . 2/1/2024
What the f**k was that? No questioning? No viritaserum? No being tied up and restrained because she's dangerous? She's the daughter of his betrayers! Of course she can stay! She can't suck his cock and he can't f**k her because neither of them know what that is! The ignorant cucks!
SMB chapter 1 . 2/1/2024
F**k off for having most of the story be flashbacks. One or two PER STORY are fine. Every second f**king paragraph is too f**king much! Every time someone speaks or thinks has another f**king flashback and it's wasting so much f**king time that you're not telling a story, you're giving a summary.
Schnuff chapter 4 . 1/25/2024
I guess that's it for me.
There are just too many lucky coincidences...what with him just camping outside a prison (Rose couldn't get away after she run).
kalibre chapter 17 . 12/27/2023
well... wasn't this pathetic. waste of server space
a sus baka chapter 17 . 10/27/2023
MrScorch chapter 17 . 8/29/2023
Honestly, I opened it, I finished it and now I'm feeling kinda just indifferent. It wasn't bad, but I didn't completely enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I like any story that basically makes everyone involved want to make Dumbles' nose even more crooked ( no lameass Draco/Snape redemption), the end just left me feeling hollow.

TL;DR wouldn't recommend it, but unlike most fics, don't consider it waste of time.
Wolvie26 chapter 17 . 4/17/2023
Love it!
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