Reviews for Parent Teacher Disaster |
nothinghereanymore chapter 2 . 8/19/2012 Laughing my head off, this is brilliant, poor Mr. Sterling! And come to think od it, poor Peter and Tony as well, Loki was brilliant :D spot on for domestic avengers 3 |
Sargerogue chapter 2 . 8/19/2012 It was brilliant! I'm not normally a slash fan but this was very well done! |
electracait chapter 2 . 8/19/2012 Okay um when Loki did the scarf thing yeah I couldn't breath I was laughing too hard...I'm so glad they're not my parents XD you should write more of these they're awesome |
skydancer2ooo chapter 2 . 8/19/2012 Poor Peter; Tony and Loki were how I expected them to be. Well Loki was a bit subtle until his other children came into play. He actually showed pictures. So Loki is still a villian, but Tony calls them mood swings. I thought Tony wad going to cause another right there. Clint teaching Peter lies about history. I think that needs to be addressed. Steve maybe telling too much truth that civilians are not suppose to know. What was Petter going to do papercut himself to death? Mr. Stearling will not be asking for another parent teacher conference unless he wishes to see Loki again. So how I think he wants Tony left at home. Maybe next time he'll make a house call. I think it needs a sequel. Great job though! |
Cartlin chapter 2 . 8/19/2012 I died when I read that bit about Loki taking out the portrait. I think they need to have a new one done, with Tony and Peter as well! LOL. Oh! And Thor could Photobomb it, jealous he wasn't included! Post more soon! |
septimaluna chapter 2 . 8/19/2012 So...Loki wins! is the only conclution of these and maybe that the teacher is going to get an ethilic coma after this XD |
GothChiq80 chapter 2 . 8/19/2012 I adore Loki in full mom mode. I loved how Tony and Sterling faced off during the meeting. Poor Peter, but hey it is his fault that this happened. I wonder what the tutor will be like. Update soon, please! |
FireSenshi2 chapter 2 . 8/19/2012 Brilliantly done! |
Alicia chapter 1 . 8/18/2012 Cant wait until you update! |
Tabet chapter 1 . 8/18/2012 This chapter was amazin and funny and i hope i see ur next chapter soon. |
The Solitaire Trickster chapter 1 . 8/16/2012 Oh! How I love you so for making such a genius fic! Can't wait for the next chapter, and to see what Loki plans to do at the conference since reading his and Tony's interaction you can tell he wears the pants in that relationship. Peter, I'm glad my parents aren't as insane as yours. |
Jossi-kun chapter 1 . 8/16/2012 lol! XD Oh god, I feel so bad for poor Mr. Sterling, he has no idea what's about to happen! XD |
Singer Salvage chapter 1 . 8/15/2012 Oh, now this should be good. Following. |
FreezeOver chapter 1 . 8/15/2012 I can't wait for chapter 2! |
septimaluna chapter 1 . 8/15/2012 yeah the angry god is probably Loki XD but it's going to be so fun! i expect that the teacher understand quickly that the boy have a guy-mom. I just can't imagine this couple in a parent-teacher conference XD i hope you update soon, |