Reviews for Dear Fanfiction,
Guest chapter 4 . 5/31/2015
ShadowPanther chapter 18 . 8/24/2013
Post-phoned? Sorry, I just had to point that out.
Qwerty124 chapter 18 . 2/24/2013
Qwerty124 chapter 11 . 2/24/2013
What's ironic is that you misspelled the chapter name. *grammar
alliegirl101 chapter 18 . 10/28/2012
i like it update
Just a T-rex chapter 2 . 10/27/2012
Yes perico dose sound scary.

Great story
Batoldmor chapter 17 . 10/13/2012
... yes cause when a story is 17 chapters in 3k another chapter is so much
inescapablesuffering chapter 16 . 9/12/2012
Ehh. It's still kind of annpying considering how much time I spent writing my fic. And the fact the Captide fics ARÉ pretty rare. (my Captide fic is one of the only ones out there.)
I guess you can be forgiven. That doesn't mean I'm not still frustrated and annoyed.
twerkaholic chapter 15 . 9/12/2012
Aww! I don't think your a sidekick! I seriously love you as much as Leo. I think your pranking is awesome especially the golden Mango! Hilarious!
twerkaholic chapter 12 . 9/12/2012
Why? I love You and Piper, but I also love Jasper. But sorry, no offense, but I love Leo better than anybody from the TLH. Sorry, just had to geth that out!

Little Unusual Me chapter 15 . 9/11/2012
Awesome Chapters!
... What about Chiron on all the M rated fics of Camp XD
Or, Ella about all the wrong facts on here.
inescapablesuffering chapter 9 . 9/11/2012
Ehh. Too lazy to look for this one in my 171 chapters. It's in there though.

I look forward to you uploading and taking credit for more of my story!
inescapablesuffering chapter 10 . 9/11/2012
Oh look more!


Dear Fanfiction,

Me (Silena), Beckendorf, Bianca, and so many others, are dead. We will not magically come back. This isn't Harry Potter, there is no resurrection stone.

-Dead forevermore,

Silena, Beckondorf, Bianca, and others.

And this chapter:

Dear Fanfiction,

I'm not going to come back to life to join your stupid truth or dare games. I'm evil, and dead. Get over it.

inescapablesuffering chapter 11 . 9/11/2012
One of my chapters:

This one's near identical!


"omg!11 guess what hapond to me today i was wocking to the beech and i saw a monstor but then pecrey cam i luv him so much!1111"



No… I do NOT talk like that, that's just bad writing. I seriously take offense to that. I am a daughter of Athena, and I do not have grammar that bad.


And here's my review for your chapter 15 (it wouldn't let me post it there)

My sixth chapter:

Fanfiction Authors,

Okay, so how come Travis has 459 stories and I only have 134. Am I not awesomer than he is?

-Connor "Awesomer than Travis" Stoll

And another:


I hate how you guys just assume that I'm completely lost with Travis, because I'm my own person... *sniff*

Can you write a story about me WITHOUT Travis? Thanks.


And another:


When I asked you guys to please write stories about me WITHOUT Travis, I totally didn't mean for you to kill him off! Bring me back my brother, than write an Independent Connor fic.

-The more important, yet less credited Stoll Brother. (Also known as Connor...)

Then I posted several authors notes asking writers to write independent Connor fics. Then I wrote one myself.
inescapablesuffering chapter 14 . 9/11/2012
My fourth chapter:

She totally loves me. Trust me on this one.

- Travis "The Troublemaker" Stoll
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