Reviews for HALO: The Terran Republic Affair
valkrus chapter 14 . 1/26
yeah this is simple crap you read when you turn off your brain. Things go at a lightning pace because reasons.
valkrus chapter 3 . 1/26
The proper phrase is "With all due respect" not "do respect". Also this seems to rush through the whole event a lot
ShadowbaneXX chapter 31 . 12/23/2024
I cannot even start to believe this story. Its so unbelievable that I just shake my head and go i wish i never read it. Poor grammar, terrible combat discussions, poor relationships and even poorer plot holes within plot holes. This is by far one of the worst works i have ever read.
ShadowbaneXX chapter 17 . 12/22/2024
Anakin is a Jedi Knight never earned the right to be a Jedi Master
ShadowbaneXX chapter 16 . 12/22/2024
So far the Sith are dumb and not showing their brilliance in how they operate in war. Next this story also fails to show the Hutts power or even recognizes it. Also contingency orders are not fun stuff. Order 39 is far scarier than order 66. Plus there are supposedly other badder orders than 66. Then your also forgetting order 99 in the droids.
ShadowbaneXX chapter 10 . 12/22/2024
I hope you have a better reason for disbanding ONI than a few hundred child soldiers…
ShadowbaneXX chapter 8 . 12/21/2024
So Spartan IV or Spartan VI? Please be consistent
SuperTulle chapter 32 . 12/22/2023
This is a good story, but it needs editing. I don't know if betas were a thing ten years ago but this fic needs one. But if you look away from the spelling errors and lost words there is a quite interesting story that weaves the two universes together in a surprisingly believable way!
Aedwards179 chapter 30 . 8/21/2023
This empire is gonna be much weaker than canon one. with the CIS still about they probably omly have half the galaxy. much less resources and people for the military.
Aedwards179 chapter 30 . 8/21/2023
What i want to know is why the jedi didnt secretly move their library and shit off planet when they found out about palpatine and order 66. they could've done it as a precaution and moved everything back if they won. makes no sense they made no plans or contingencies in those 8 months
Aedwards179 chapter 28 . 8/21/2023
I cant see it taking that long to evacuate the temple. it was said there was only 10k jedi knights at the start of the war. there cant be more tham 30k people in thw temple. and theyre all disciplined so they wont cause riots and shit
Aedwards179 chapter 4 . 8/21/2023
Dooku has no right to call any ship ugly CIS ships are ugly as fuck.
DeathDoesWonder chapter 32 . 8/13/2023
Love the story!
Angery Katte chapter 1 . 1/10/2023
I remember reading this first years ago, when the sequel was still new and I was still in school. Time for a reread
George Cristian810 chapter 22 . 12/30/2022
This story is very stupid . From the limited numbers of ships of terrans , to the fact that they learned nothing from the covenant war and want to downside their military to grammars and the overall story .
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