Reviews for 02: Forever Second
Guest chapter 2 . 8/16/2019
Ahhh! I love this so much! The main character is a total cinnamon roll (like handcuffing himself to Duo, that is the cutest thing ever) and I love how you're using his point of view to explore Duo's history. Keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16/2019
I love this so much! Telling everything from the point of view of a rookie is really intriguing. I'm super excited to see how Heero and Duo's relationship develops from here. Good job!
RlyiehChosenOfBane chapter 11 . 5/28/2017
this is so beautiful. The first time I read this I coul put it down until I finished it all in a go. Now, years later I can tell this is one of my favorite fics. The point of view of a stranger in their dynamics is brilliant, and the flow of dialogues and action is impeccable. I felt nostalgic so I came back to read it again. I cried again. You are marvelous. Simply marvelous. A huge hug for you!
disturbed-girl chapter 11 . 11/10/2015
Great story! Enjoyed it!
Vastulja Sata Menton chapter 11 . 9/12/2015
This story shocked me at first because it was not from one of the pilots point of view, but I loved it! It is so well written and the story is so good. I love the dynamics of Duo and Heero's relationship. Well done. 3
history chapter 11 . 3/30/2015
I really love this story!
Guest chapter 11 . 1/17/2015
Ok. This story is amazing. Hooked from the first chapter, I read the whole thing in basically one sitting. The "rookie" narrator has become one of my favorite fictional characters. I love that kid. This is so well written, and the characterizations are so intriguing. The exploration of Duo and Heero's relationship is fascinating, and so... like, not in your face (if that makes sense) that it's not a turn off to a non-yaoi fan, like me. Anyway... Beautiful written, engaging, thought provoking... Thank you for sharing!
mofalle chapter 11 . 10/11/2014
I haven't read GW in years and found this story. I loved it. I liked the outside observer feel to the pilots. I liked how you had them mature in age. I liked how they still knew each others strong and weak points. I liked how everthing came full circle. Even the smallest detail had meaning. This was fic was well written. Thank you for writing.
arccie chapter 11 . 7/22/2014
Just devoured this entire story.

Very different from a lot of Gundam Wing and especially 1x2 stories. I thoroughly enjoyed the outside PoV and the complexity of Duo and Heero's relationship.

Thank you for the wonderful read.
La Fuego chapter 11 . 6/13/2014
Very, very well done! A true masterpiece! Writing the story from an outsider's point of view was brilliant and I'm sure it can't have been easy, but you pulled it off phenomenally! It was a great read! Thanks so much for sharing!
Dani chapter 11 . 11/29/2013
Second time I read your story... I like to reread stories I love and enjoy the hints and bits that the first time elude me. It is amazing and even if I knew the story by heart still made me cry on the same chapters. Of all your stories (I spent like a week reading your full collection) I think this is my favorite. Congrats again on your wonderful writing skills.
Elfishme chapter 11 . 10/7/2013
Awesome! Thank you fir the wonderful story!
reviewer chapter 11 . 9/15/2013
I love the plot and the flow of the story, it was also done well. I'm just a bit particular about too many OC and the whole POV of OC. I know you already wrote it on your summary and all, but I think I would've enjoyed it you've just written it on a third POV. But that's just me.
marinamer chapter 11 . 9/6/2013
This story is simply amazing. You captured the characters so well. Writing the story in an OC's perspective really gives this story its uniqueness. I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you!
rekahneko chapter 11 . 7/29/2013
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