Reviews for Musings On The One Left Behind
InitialLuv chapter 1 . 6/17/2018
What I like about this fic is that Judge Gault's scheming phone call is the impetus for Hardcastle's choice to leave McCormick at home. It's easier to understand than the judge just coming to that decision on his own. For, as Hardcastle realizes on the plane, McCormick would be a welcome friend and asset in D.C. (and McCormick shows this in the episode, when he speaks about legal checks and balances to get help Hardcastle out of a tight spot).

Voyager Tip chapter 1 . 1/3/2014
I just love this sweet story! I've read and re-read it so many times, I finally just had to review it. Thanks so much for this story.
Krokkie chapter 1 . 9/2/2012
I liked the way Hardcastle came to his senses after leaving his fast gun behind. He wouldn't have survived the trip without Mark anyway. Loved the part where McCormick's cavernous stomach growled like a ravenous stray! Well done. :)