Reviews for Potter Who and the Wossname's Thingummy
eos9 chapter 40 . 1/12/2023
Not sure if it was this chapter of the one before, but I love, love, love your NHS summary. Deserves to be on a radical tea towel, it does.
eos9 chapter 38 . 1/12/2023
The line about revision and recall warmed my little expat heart. On a related note, and as a native angelino, it's my delight to inform you the the golden sands of Santa Monica and Venice are also imported.
eos9 chapter 35 . 1/11/2023
I'm part-way through the next chapter, but I just had to pause and gush about how thoroughly gorgeous your story is and how much I'm enjoying it. Thank you so much for writing and sharing it- this is obviously a massive labour of love.

Did I find the start a bit hard-going? Yes, but I simultaneously appreciated being fully immersed in the Doctor's and Harry's confusion/disorientation. Reminded me a bit of that totally heartbreaking HP-Sandman crossover. Have also really enjoyed the subtlety of Harry's gradual emergence.

Speaking of subtle, here's a brit-pick and a time-pick...

US 'bangs' UK 'fringe'
Current 'plushies/plushes' 90s US 'stuffed animal' and 90s UK 'cuddly toy'/'teddy'

...but that's far outweighed by everything else. That brief mention of the Dymo label was so top-notch that it pretty much forced me to back-track and review. I have questions a-plenty and am definitely chomping at the bit for certain plot-points to be resolved, but I'm content to go back to reading and defer the bombardment until I'm all caught up. Thanks again!
Grizzmon chapter 43 . 1/8/2023
Ah so unicorns got killed? That's bad.
Terracotta Tortilla chapter 35 . 12/27/2022
Didn't Rupert just drop a bunch of exposition earlier? He already knows Tom's method of immortality, it's why he jumped in the lake...

He knows his backstory too. Why is he pretending otherwise?
Yog-sothsoth chapter 1 . 12/27/2022
You're a genius.
DarkRavie chapter 43 . 12/26/2022
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
Outasync chapter 43 . 12/26/2022
I'd almost forgotten how much I enjoy your writing style. Ta muchly for the updates, and I'm going to indulge in a re-read now. But a rationed one, to stretch out the experience as long as possible.

Also, Beaconsfield continues to be best OC.
moralrelativity chapter 43 . 12/25/2022
Hey! Great to get another chapter. Thank you!
Catchathief chapter 42 . 10/22/2022
Quite honestly, this may be my favorite fic in this site. So…thanks for writing this! It’s lifted my mood so many times these past…3 days? It’s absolutely beautiful and I love it so much
Guest chapter 23 . 8/22/2022
This Doctor is amazing.
“Harry hugely” you missed the bit
TrumpasaurusRex chapter 1 . 2/23/2022
The MC is beyond annoying. I’m ok with erratic behavior, but literally every sentence is designed to make him as autistic as possible. There is no intelligence in anything he does. In fact, most people assume he’s had a head injury or he’s insane. The Doctor is nothing like that.
4oclockinthemorning chapter 19 . 2/13/2022
Okay halfway through chapter 19, I think I’m giving up. I read the first chapter with so much excitement! And I have really enjoyed all the scattered interesting BITS that make up this story. There were good bits with Dumbledore, but why is Dumbledore so uninterested in Harry? I.e. there’s a lack of …character dynamics generally. Like, other characters interacting with the main character is what makes fanfiction enjoyable for me. That doesn’t seem to happen here.
How can there be so many words on the page without any meaning or plot?
Wren Truesong chapter 42 . 1/25/2022
This. Is. INCREDIBLE. Absolutely marvellous, from beginning to end. The references! The complications! As a Whovian and a fan of stealing things from the terf i salute you, as a reader I adore you, and as a fellow writer of extremely complicated and detailed plots i wish to offer you the drink of your choice-metaphorically speaking. XD

I've spent the last day and a half bombarding my group chat with delighted quotes; i particularly loved Adams' speculation on the weirdness of American Wizarding 'history' (thank you for all the callouts on colonialism and looking down on savages), the entirety of the Knight Bus and Kirkus Alley trips, and how doesn't-know-he's-11 has gone from the Potter to the Rupert to the Tutor to apparently just Rupert for now who wonders a bit if he's an amnesiac Horcrux.

Come to that, i absolutely ADORE your Flamels, the alternate term for Horcruces that i could not possibly spell, and him being an actually good and dedicated pediatrician. Also things like auto-legilimency, the use of quantum in wizarding magic and thought (and thus why Harry's not leaking gold from his ears; waaaah DONNA), and the talk about fascism and why an Orphanage director shouldn't be reading the Daily Mail. Also the insights about the weirdness of Wool's.

I ADORE Beaconsfield and his efforts to keep Slytherin an actual, working, supportive house, and how he denounces Tom Riddle and why. I love your take on Percy, too, and on balancing with him.

I loved Merlin's hideaway, and all the time-clevernesses and hints that time is very, very broken, as well as Merlin's usual propensity to live backwards.

I wept a little at all the little emotional things the Doctor keeps catching on, like Susan and Amelia's names, at red grass and silver leaves. I cackled when Snape trotted out 'I am the Master and you will obey me,' and i couldn't help remembering that not only did Koschei basically have a Horcrux of his own, it was also a certain somebody's name at the Academy.

drwx chapter 2 . 12/26/2021
"cloud-lit with blue and green phosphorescent fungi"
I think the Doctor of all people would be able to distinguish phosphorescence from, among other things, chemiluminescence, which is much more likely in this environment. Phosphorescence is a usually short-lasting phenomenon, with usual half-life on the order of milliseconds or less, very rarely with visible emission after hours from excitation. Chemiluminescence can be sustained indefinitely, as long as reagents are available.
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