Reviews for Potter Who and the Wossname's Thingummy
TheGuestAlikai chapter 42 . 12/11/2021
Well. I’ve re-read all of it. What am I meant to do now?
Guest chapter 39 . 11/30/2021
You must be a heck of whacky kooky guy to make up this wonderful weird crossover shit. How the heck did u even manage to come up with the story, dialogue , characterizations and all th researches into facts n info that nobody knew that they ever thought abt. great work! are we getting more chapters? December 2021 is coming up and I see no updates oct 23 here. Should I bookmark this story just in case u update it?
Christopher chapter 1 . 11/23/2021
You can't blame her for not recognizing Eccles. There's a ton of Eccles. An Eccles ton
Guest chapter 42 . 11/20/2021
Ah man, I'm glad to see this is active again. I really like how Tom's characterization is being done
Guest chapter 42 . 11/15/2021
This isn't just one of the best HP/DW crossovers I've ever read - it's also one of the best pieces of fanfiction I've ever read. Seriously, the explanations you come up with for the little details of the wizarding world (the LEAST subtle of which being why the Defense Against the Dark Arts is called as such) are brilliant, and the way you portray The Doctor slowly growing into himself beats anything I've read before. Half the time, other authors just make him say silly things at random while being excitable, but you portray the nuances of his character really really well. He makes mistakes, gets ahead of himself, realizes he did poorly, and does his best to help Harry without completely overriding the kid's life with his own. Nobody is overpowered, everyone's characters are being explored nicely (especially Tom), and you go deep into the philosophy of magic rather than just waving your hands and saying "well it's magic, it just works that way". This is the first story I've read that gave Voldemort's desire for immortality more depth than "death sucks", and you introduced more nuance to it just by revealing that wizards, should they not get killed, will live for hundreds of years. That even gives Flamel more character than I ever hoped he might have.

I really, REALLY, hope you see this through to the end. This story is incredible, and it's quickly working its way to the top of my "best fanfics" list. Keep up the good work.
Rl109531 chapter 42 . 11/7/2021
Lovely chapter!
The old RL chapter 41 . 11/6/2021
Can't believe our collective luck - a miracle! Thank you, this is great as always
Shadow Dreamer chapter 42 . 10/31/2021
Alright! Just finished going back and bingereading this whole thing. I see what you're building to with Tommy Boy, and boy oh boy am I excited.
Shadow Dreamer chapter 35 . 10/30/2021
Those last lines of Flamel's... I stand by what I've always said; no one is irredeemable at sixteen. Flamel's right; he could have done something, if he'd had the chance.
SmartCookie0 chapter 18 . 11/1/2021
"[...] lightning is as likely to strike in Hogwarts as Voldemort to return." - Brian
carnagie chapter 42 . 10/27/2021
Finally had time to read this latest chapter, and MY Rupert really has had quite an effect on Harry given the way he's taken to sort of breathing in information around him and making subconscious connections like this.

Also, I can't help but wonder if the answer he picks for the opinion pieces isn't simply 'both'. have Beaconsfield send in the reverse psychology one, and have some kind of darling (Harry himself, perhaps) send in the other. Or if they want to play silly buggers have one authored by 'Beaconsfield' and the other by 'an anonymous prefect'
samusbot chapter 42 . 10/27/2021
For some fanfics, it's really annoying to have to reread the whole thing because it's been too long since it last updated (or I can't remember where I left off), but this is NOT one of them: I have found it to be an absolute delight to read through this fic again (and again, and again), and the payoff upon reaching some particular plot point or joke that I suddenly recall several chapters ahead of time gives me dopamine!

(And wow, I think this is the first time I've left a review this long...)
Outasync chapter 42 . 10/26/2021
I think Beaconsfield may be my favourite OC ever.
shadowNova chapter 42 . 10/24/2021
Oh BRILLIANT to see this back! And what a brilliant return chapter! Time to reread this.
ByLanternLight chapter 42 . 10/26/2021
The humor in this story never ceases to be a delight. Laughed out loud several times!
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