Reviews for The Handbook of Elf Psychology
MargaritaS chapter 15 . 12/4/2019
such a good story :)
Eleanor Mikaelson chapter 15 . 11/27/2019
It was beautiful, I even cried, a lot!
MythsterBlack chapter 15 . 11/16/2019
I have to say I have just now completed reading both of these stories and I have very much enjoyed them. Very entertaining and quite different from the expected or usual HPFF. Looking forward to more installments of this series, however, I am an old man now and based on update frequencies I sure won't hold my breath for more. (grins) Anyway, Thank you for the great entertainment and fun read.
Jay chapter 15 . 11/15/2019
This thing is just brilliant. What a great, practical worldview this young forest elf has! Hope we get the sequel one of these days. I’m not gonna hold my breath though...

Thanks for writing it!
bkerrmom1 chapter 15 . 10/27/2019
I am looking forward to seeing what comes next !
bkerrmom1 chapter 12 . 10/27/2019
I absolutely love this story sooooo much !
matchenko.tanya chapter 15 . 10/25/2019
Author: 'But there will be another sequel too!'

'Oh god,' I exclaim. 'Three years from now, I suppose?'

To be honest, it was a brilliant work. I absolutely loved Harry's adventures and life in the forest. It was never tiring to read it, you always came up with some new interesting meetings and plots, and that should have been quite challenging. Loved your characters! Interactions with Snape almost always were so funny, as Snape almost always wanted to facepalm. Filius is just precious. Draco... Draco is a gem here :) And of course the snake, centaurs, elves, forest animals... You've built such a rich and very interesting world. Thank you for that.
oh-wellau chapter 15 . 10/13/2019
I really enjoyed this story, I had so much fun reading it! Thanks for sharing it!
EveBB chapter 15 . 10/12/2019
This was an absolute pleasure to read. One of the most original ideas and so well written. Within your universe, the behavior and dialogue were really "believable" (albeit a little tongue-in-cheek). I hope you are still planning on writing the next installment. I would so love to see Elf Harry take on Voldemort. Thank you so much for writing one of my absolute favorites!
DarkQuartz chapter 15 . 9/30/2019
so it's been 'three years from now' and three months also! I hope the next sequel gets made though. i come back to read this fic twice a year since it helps cheer me up when I'm stuck on bed rest. Latest has been a surgery actually. I woulda like to say though that even if another is not published, I thank you for the story and I hope you are doing well in life!
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 15 . 9/10/2019
MAN WHAT A RIDE! I do wonder, will Harry ever realise he is technically born a wizard?! I just don't know. It's an identity crisis I really want to see him push through at some point in his years to come. I would love to read another long sequel, but I guess I can wait for one shotsthough they are harder to keep track of. Maybe you could make it a long story mad me up of one shots? You've probably started! I'll have a look! tHANK YOU FOR THIS.
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 14 . 9/10/2019
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 9 . 9/10/2019
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 6 . 9/10/2019
just so brilliant, I cannot stop reading this
Dangerouse chapter 15 . 8/24/2019
I’m reading this and the previous fic for the third time, I love them both so much, thank you for writing them. That being said, get a move on with the sequel. Ta
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