Reviews for The Handbook of Elf Psychology
Kine X chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
Awesome chapter, I love it. I can't wait until the next update... xD
Storyseeker chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
Great start! I imagine Harry did not escape as easily as he believes, since I seriously doubt Dumbledore and lot would take their eyes off him after finally getting him after years searching. I'm guessing Dumbledore is using a reverse psychology thing, allowing Harry to believe what he thinks is true, so that he can gradually bring Harry to the truth about who/what he truly is. I look forward to when the rest of the students come to Hogwarts!

Enjoy Kenya! Africa is beautiful!
Luiz4200 chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
Harry heard about wizards and still unwilling to believe he's one? Is he just playing along out of fear?
Guest chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
I am so happy to see elf!Harry's saga continue! This is such a lovely, well-written, unique and most of all entertaining story! Thank you for sharing!
J.F.C chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
Awesome, glad you posted the sequel. Hope you update soon.
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