Reviews for Operation: Avert Crisis
AmaroqLycanphoenix chapter 18 . 10/29/2024
I’m calling it. There was DEFINITELY some Cruxis activity on… whatever FF7’s planet is called.
AmaroqLycanphoenix chapter 16 . 10/29/2024
I feel so bad for Mr. Strife.
AmaroqLycanphoenix chapter 14 . 10/29/2024
The way you jumped at the end of the chapter gave me Wind Waker vibes. Specifically, when Tetra slipped the Gossip Stone into Link’s pocket.

P.S.: When you next update N.R…. maybe Zelos can get you a nice watch! And Verius could possibly bring Virginia Sage back to her senses.
AmaroqLycanphoenix chapter 12 . 10/29/2024
Conspiracy theory: Genesis and Kratos know eachother. Somehow.
AmaroqLycanphoenix chapter 11 . 10/29/2024
That encounter with Sephiroth reminds me of a Starcraft thing I’ve been meaning to write.

Pre-Zerg Kerrigan: “Why are you looking at me like that…?”
SI: “Uh… you got a piece of food on your face.”
AmaroqLycanphoenix chapter 9 . 10/29/2024
Woah, what?! Adamantite exists in FF7?!
Hold on. Processing. Calculating…

Adamantite is probably an alloy containing tungsten, and mythril is probably titanium…

…maybe Kratos has been to the FF7 universe?
AmaroqLycanphoenix chapter 8 . 10/29/2024
Plot twist: Lloyd and Kratos somehow show up.
AmaroqLycanphoenix chapter 7 . 10/29/2024
Somewhere on Derris-Kharlan, the Purple Terror’s ears are burning.
AmaroqLycanphoenix chapter 6 . 10/29/2024
Brit should have kept her exsphere with her, specifically so that this wouldn’t happen -.-
AmaroqLycanphoenix chapter 4 . 10/29/2024
Wait… what happens if you wear the exsphere after the mako treatment? Does your body explode? Do you turn into a super-exebula?
AmaroqLycanphoenix chapter 1 . 10/29/2024
Question: Does Brit still have her exsphere?
RandomCitizen chapter 18 . 5/29/2024
"Sephiroth will remember that..."

Dang for Britt, "that's what they probably called it" is a rough save attempt. Silence and pretending not to notice his look might have been better lol.

Ahh, faded notes can be rough. Feels like the same spirit to me! Thank you for the chapter.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/8/2024
To be fair, it was stupid of her to just leave it in a bag of all things.
VocalVenom chapter 18 . 2/6/2024
Just came over here from NR. Even if it's been nearly a year since this was updated, I'm still glad you haven't forgotten it. I hope you're doing well. :)
blazingwolffang chapter 2 . 1/15/2024
If I all of a sudden was sent to Midgard and was offered soldier treatment. I would take it in a heartbeat it's the only way for a mundane human from Earth to be relevant at all there.
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