Reviews for Operation: Avert Crisis
Blue Fire Lily chapter 10 . 1/2/2013
FireDragonX23 chapter 10 . 1/2/2013
Good chapter
DangoDaikazaku chapter 10 . 1/2/2013
oh my god! I love it! please update soon! :3
kenegi chapter 10 . 1/2/2013
So Brit hooked them up early. I hope she remember that almost all plans doesn't survive when initiated.
Sylph Writer chapter 10 . 1/2/2013
Pfft-Kunsel's emails! Of course he'll be sending them to Brit too! And I'm personally amused by how the fandom always contrives to find ways to have Zack and Aerith meet even if he doesn't manage to fall through the church roof. Always cute though.

I will say that Aerith's line 'You're not alone. Everything's going to be okay' makes me so curious...because I think of many different ways to interpret it! It could just be a reminder that she has friends here too (since now that she's decided to try and help people there's not much point to avoiding attachments with certain puppy like people), or an admission that the planet has more schemes up its figurative sleeves, or poooossibly (and I'm aware this is the most unlikely but still fun to think about) that other people were brought to Gaia to make changes Currently my imagination is rotating through images of a grumpy Kratos wondering why people think he has a daughter, Lloyd and Zack double-puppy-eyes-teaming Brit, or Zelos popping up going "Huuunny!" to the embarrassment of Brit and shock of the Firsts and Seconds.
AngelicTrinity chapter 10 . 1/2/2013

...that was pretty much my reaction when I saw that you had updated. There wasn't that much in this chapter, but I was just happy a new chapter came out all the same. Really. Love you for this.

So Brit's started training, huh? She isn't the first student Genesis had, but she's the first that he has personally ever sought. And he's extremely overbearing too, heh, heh, heh...

Also, Brittany is perfectly legal to drink alcohol. Not so much Zack, but maybe Kunsel?

And yay! Zack and Kunsel think that Brittany should get a promotion? With her track record, I think Brittany /should/ be a Second Class. Her skills are being way played down, though I can understand her reluctance. I have a feeling that if she moves into 2nd Class, she'll have BOTH the 3rds AND 2nds resenting her for moving up the ranks so fast.

The preview for the next chapter has me really excited. I kinda hope you get the next chapter out fast, because I really want to see who she's going to give her Loyalty and Trust to. Is it Zack and Kunsel? Or is it Genesis? Really hoping that its the latter! And I see that she decides to finally do something about her Exsphere. Not that she wasn't coming up with plans to try and retrieve it before, but it appears that in the next chapter she's going to do some actual planning and finally take some action.

I'm not surprised that Aerith knows that Brittany is an unusual person. I mean, she talks for the Planet for heavens' sakes. But I'm kind of worried now... if the Turks are watching Aerith often, then what was the chances of them watching over her then? Hmm...

Anyways, while there wasn't much going on this was still a good chapter to read! I'm looking forward to the next one! Really, really looking forward to it!
blackwyvern90 chapter 10 . 1/2/2013
Yay! Another chapter!
RandomCitizen chapter 10 . 1/2/2013
Another lovely chapter Maybe elaborate some kind of robery or explosion so the sphere is blown away for her to get later. At least its out of Shinra's hands.I hope she can get it back...X0

Loyalty is a great thing. :D (I wonder how her next not-crazy Sephiroth meeting will go...XP
Shelly007 chapter 10 . 1/2/2013
Love it! I actually started off reading this story first, but as it progressed and I got more confused with the references to Kratos and Lloyd, I decided to read "New Reality". Now I love this story even more! I understand Britt's personality and experience much better now. Especially with how much she's been holding back with Zack. :) Please continue!

P.S. Before reading "New Reality", I had never played Tales of Symphonia. Now you have me hooked. ;P
StrayflameAyumu chapter 10 . 1/1/2013
The drinking scene was well done :).
HellHum chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
Love the story! Waiting to read you next update :)
AngelicTrinity chapter 9 . 12/3/2012
Eh heh... haven't reviewed yet, just realized. Sorry, thought that I would get into the mood first before I decided to review.


A little disappointed we didn't get to fully see Angeal's lecture; then again, if we did, we would be reading your story for over an hour. But I was really happy to see the long awaited fight between Brittany and Genesis. Of course, it was obvious that Brittany would lose against Genesis in battle but the fact that she impresses him with her skill... which is also impressive, since this is GENESIS. Since when in the world did anyone impress /him/?

Heh, heh... Genesis constantly catching Brit by the collar. I have a feeling that I'm going to be laughing a lot as I read this series.
Dontgotaclue88 chapter 9 . 12/2/2012
LMAO! THIS IS SO AWESOME! , So looking forward to more.
PricelessLegacy chapter 1 . 12/2/2012
Alright! Well Written my friend, lol. The only thing that got me was Brittany.. I dont know what it is I just really think that person's name should be changed. Crisis Core is known for many things, so the names should be more, Crisis Core You Know? Not the names we hear now. The names should be picked carefully for Crisis Core or that person just deosn't seem to fit. Other than that, it's great. If I;m wrong, then keep it. it's not my story to begin with, but just wanted to let you know this.
Tie Dye Mage chapter 9 . 11/30/2012
Hi. This is one of your many fans speaking. I love how this story is turning pout and will continue to keep coming back to read it until it is finished (and maybe even long after that) or until it is canceled (Heaven forbid that happens.

Anyway, I don't mean to be nitpicky (even though I consider that my natural talent) but I've noticed a contradiction (cue Phoenix Wright music). In this chapter, during the fight with Genesis, you said you wished you could use Guardian yet I remember in Chapter 2, you used it to prevent the Midgar Zolem from eating you. I don't mean to criticize you; I just felt I should point that out.

Anyway, besides that, this story is, again, great and it is in within my fervent prayer that this story, and all of your other stories, continues to maintain its masterful quality.
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