Reviews for The Uzumaki Tales: Return of the Whirlpool
Dick sucks comic chapter 95 . 3/4/2023
Can you pls continue the story
Dreadgod69 chapter 95 . 3/4/2023
Why did you leave us on a cliffhanger, pls continue the story.
Something Random 52 chapter 76 . 3/3/2023
Fetch me their souls!
Something Random 52 chapter 55 . 3/1/2023
I believe it’s “Float like a Cadillac, sting like a bee” as quoted from Lightning McQueen (KaChow)
Something Random 52 chapter 39 . 3/1/2023
‘Whatever IT is, I know Sakura has it’ unless it’s a pen*s
Guest chapter 20 . 2/19/2023
Galvatronusprime chapter 95 . 2/17/2023
I love this story please continue
Guest chapter 41 . 1/22/2023
Technically speaking, the Uzumaki did have a bloodline.

It's just either rare, or only shows up in women. (The Adamantine Chains)
Guest chapter 31 . 1/21/2023
I generally find the "fox hunt" trope disappointing. It is a lot easier to face physical abuse than what he got in canon - every single villager pretending he either didn't exist, or giving him stares.

That is far more damaging psychologically.

I find it hard to believe that Hiruzen was that level of incompetent. It's far easier for him to miss abuse by neglect in his overwork and age than literal people trying to kill him.
Guest chapter 31 . 1/21/2023
I generally find 'fox hunt'
Guest chapter 1 . 1/18/2023
It good
OkyXoo chapter 65 . 1/12/2023
Oh, I really wanted Chakra Mode :(
Crevanille chapter 24 . 1/11/2023
It's always n8ce to see worlds where Hinata joins Naruto on the Tsunade Retrieval mission.
Crevanille chapter 19 . 1/9/2023
Personally, I like the supportive, if stoic, Hiashi approach.

Oh, and when will this Naruto learn about the secret behind shadow cl9nes. It'd REALLY help him with his fight against Neji!

Frankly, him not noticing by now seems weird as hell even if nobody bothered telling him about it yet...
Crevanille chapter 16 . 1/8/2023
...I know th8s is a nitpick, but little annoyances add up...!

'Hyuga', not 'Huyga' dammit!

Otherwise, not a had chapter. I especially like the extra bits of Naruto interacting with Hinata. Minor sure, but all great romances start off small!

But damn. Hyuga vs Aburame huh? That kinda match would honestly come down to two factors. Pure speed, or attrition.
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