Reviews for I Won't Say It
N. Harmonik chapter 5 . 3/23
[had taken Pain and Pain seven tries]
I believe you mean [Pain and Panic].
LooneyTuneLady chapter 1 . 7/11/2023
I've read this story several times and I'm still not tired of it. This is easily the BEST Hercules fanfic on this site, and my headcanon as to what happened following the events of the film. You've captured Hades brilliantly here, from his "used chariot salesman" persona to his scorching temper to his sweet side. And Persephone... man, I can't say enough good things. She's no wimpy, submissive little thing who sits around and sulks like in the original myth. She's a total badass who gives it right back to Hades and earns his respect in return (nice parallel to "Beauty and the Beast" in this regard). As for Bremos... I totally wish we had a cartoon of him! I don't know who you thought of for his voice actor, but I picture Rob Paulsen (yes, Yakko Warner himself) as Bremos. Given how Rob was the voice of Yakko and Raphael in the original TMNT, I think he'd be a good fit for Bremos's smartass personality.

Gushing aside, I just wanted to drop by and let you know how much I love this fic - it's been a big inspiration for me! I'm actually considering my own Hercules fanfic now, plus giving some thought to my own Hades/Persephone retelling. Thanks so much for writing this absolute jewel of a story!
HolyCross9 chapter 35 . 12/18/2019
You know I could just picture Judi Dench voice Hadey Wadeys' mother most perfectly.
Stacie Awuraa Ode Stuber chapter 1 . 7/4/2019
isn't Hades the oldest of the three brothers? he definitely is
DaniNatureGirl391 chapter 51 . 3/4/2019
I have absolutely LOVED this story. You nailed everyone's personalities. Even though it's been a while, I'm still excited to see where you go with it. And just curious-when it comes to the younger generation of gods and goddesses, did you model them at all on any real-life actors/tresses?
Vanessa Masters chapter 43 . 2/7/2019
Something which the Lord of the Dead would no doubt be planning.

Smirking happily, he executed a perfect landing next to Hades's throne, unaware that a pair of bright brown eyes was watching him with great curiosity.

The fireball was starting to die down along with Sisyphus's screams. Prolonged personal torture would require two arms – two extremities of which Hades currently didn't have total use.


Meh. Couldn't hurt.

Thanatos suddenly found his arms containing six pounds of gurgling newborn goddess. And an adorable little goddess at that.

'So it's a girl then?'

Hades groaned. 'Female half of a twin set. Grandmothers come included.'

The god of death blinked in surprise at the reference to twins, then shrugged. Apart from the 'one parent/mother of darkness/non-corporeal entity' deal, Nyx had gone through the same maternal ordeal with him and his brother Hypnos.

Personally, he doubted if he or his twin had looked this cute when they were babies.

He gave Chaos a small smile as she patted an errant black feather on his shoulder.

'Just as beautiful as her mom.'

'So hold. And I want her back intact.'

Huh, so no Erebus, a literal single parent was Nyx, and not even a proper body? Neat.
Ooooh Despair at female imp!
Vanessa Masters chapter 39 . 2/7/2019
I like the second creation myth, I wonder what eurynome would be doing since creation?

Ooooh I got a sexy image of Thanatos, and now, Sisyphus...uh oh!
Vanessa Masters chapter 38 . 2/7/2019
The Underworld gods…

Hades was an obvious choice, but nah. Even a guy who tried to take over Olympus wouldn't do something like that. Persephone…no way.

The bratty flame-topped kid of Hades though…

Brimstone…? Brimo…?

Bremos. Nothing could be put past him.

'Don't think I don't know what happened with Thoosa and Halia, Po-po! Or Aphrodite! And the Gorgons!? Oh, you didn't think I heard about that!? In Athena's temple no less! Have you no shame!?'

Sadly, their work ethics meant they couldn't simply go punch out the kid just because they thought he was the one who ratted out their master to his mother.

A furious noise from his left prompted Zelos to glance at his slightly younger brother. 'Ok, what's wrong now Bia?'

The god of force was turning an interesting shade of puce as he glared at the figure next to Bremos. 'Urge to hurt god of undead rising rapidly.'

'We kinda guessed that. What's getting you…so…' Cratos trailed off as the three brothers stared wordlessly at the winged goddess currently collapsed on Bremos's shoulder.

The urge to hurt Bremos irreparably suddenly rose threefold.

'And that lovely girl of Atlas's! You bloody well seduced her and left her! At least Hermes turned out more like Maia than you! Cronus knows he had to inherit his charm from somewhere! And Eurynome!? How could you?! The Graces had to make up for you! But Aix I just do not understand! A goat-woman?!'

At least this was turning out to be an educational afternoon.


Oh god the gist woman is a thing!?
Also, cruel! Rhea should’ve gotte a palace all over the place, Olympus, earth, sea and underworld. Preferably In the Elysian Fields. But still and free right to wander all over the cosmos, no restrictions, at LEAST to make up Zeus.
Vanessa Masters chapter 36 . 2/7/2019
Stabbing his fork into his sculpture and pushing his plate away, Hades risked a glance at Rhea. He recognised The Look immediately.

And it wasn't just The Look.

It was The Look with all the ominous italics.

The Look that meant either way, he was stuck. His older brothers had been on the wrong end of The Look too many times for him to remember, normally after they'd done something so stupid that it made Cronus look like a calm, rational, sensitive and thoughtful adult.

To tell or not to tell…eeesh.

'Ok, I know after being round you and Seph never to say 'promise you won't get mad'. How'd you feel about 'try not to pull a Priam on me'?' (1)

'So it's that good then?'

'Depends how you look at it.' Hades cringed and braced himself for a bruised ear for the next week.

'You heard about the thing with the Titans sorta getting released and tryin' to take over Olympus, overthrow Zeus, yadda yadda?'

The goddess of fertility frowned. It had been difficult not to hear about that little incident. At the time, she had simply pitied the poor idiot who had released the Titans…


He hadn't…

He hadn't!

The look on her son's face confirmed it.

He was the guilty party.

Hades resisted the temptation to squeal in pain as his mother grasped his ear and tried to twist it off his head.

'What in the name of Olympus were you trying to do!? You know how dangerous the Titans are! You know how much they hate the gods! If they hadn't been defeated, they could have destroyed the Earth! For Gaia's sake, did you want to be eaten again!? Did you even know what I went through when you and Po-po were taken from me!? Don't you remember what the wars were like!?'

Pause to get some air.

'Do you even remember what Zeus had to do to free you and Po-po!? Didn't you realise the rest of the Titans can't be trusted!? For all you know, they could've overthrown you and released your father from Tartarus! Didn't you bloody well think of the consequences!?'

Rant part one, over. Pause to try and defend actions.

'Can I have my ear back yet?'

/Smooth. Real smooth./


Lol angry mom!
Wait ten thousand years without a mother’s day gift, I thought hades was 1200 years old, course he’s younger so there’s obviously a couple centuries between the siblings.
Vanessa Masters chapter 32 . 2/7/2019
Eros and psyche s daughter attracting hyllas son of Hercules, and Bremos is smitten with Nike, who’s sibling is Keaton’s aka FORCE! Lol gold!
Vanessa Masters chapter 31 . 2/7/2019
/Persephone wasn't been kidding when she said this place is heaven./

Asclepius wiped his nose on his kitan and let his mother hug him. This was beyond any of his dreams. His mom was here and she was safe and happy.

At least justice had been served, especially since…his lower lip started trembling again.

Coronis placed her hand underneath her son's chin and brought his face up so that she could look at him. 'Why the sad face sweetheart?'

'You wouldn't be here if…if I'd never…'

He looked away again and just hoped she wouldn't see him crying.

Her voice was still soft, but there was an undercurrent of steel that he couldn't help but listen to. 'Don't you ever, ever, say anything like that. Ever.'

'But…but if you hadn't had me, then…'

'Don't 'but if' me, young man. I wanted to have you, even though I knew I wouldn't survive giving birth.'

Asclepius looked slightly dazed. 'You…knew this would happen?'

'Mmm-hmm. Your dad knew what would happen as well. He didn't want me to die, but he and I both wanted you so badly…'

She squeezed her son's hand. 'I didn't worry or regret facing death as long as you lived. Apollo knew that as well. The only thing I regret is making you believe that you caused me to die.'

'So…I-I didn't kill you?'

'No. And don't ever think you killed me Asclepius. My own stubbornness killed me, not my little boy.'

Sixteen years of guilt and self-recrimination flooded out of Asclepius almost instantaneously. He hadn't killed his mother…she didn't hate him…he hadn't killed his mother…

'He's cheered up then?' Bremos glanced at the two spirits and scratched Cerberus behind the ears.

The giant dog immediately rolled over onto his back and whined at his favourite master. Purely to keep his pet happy, the Prince of the Underworld started tickling Cerberus' stomach.

'Let's just say there's a few less family problems now he's met his mother.'

Persephone wrapped her arms around her stomach and sighed. 'Time to break up this little reunion?'

'Yeah. Arguing with Zeus is really starting to lose its appeal. He gave up pretty fast.'

'Mostly because your uncle is a gullible idiot.'

Bremos smirked and shrugged. 'Well, I wasn't gonna say it, but…'

'Don't. And since the smirk isn't fading, I'll assume it's a full godly powers apology?'

'Since the only other option was turning him mortal, you can see the appeal of full god-hood.'

'True.' The goddess of rebirth stood and walked over towards Asclepius and Coronis. Mushy parting moments weren't exactly Bremos's style.

Annoying Zeus however…heh

So beautiful! And Ace gets to become a full fledged God and see his mother in Elysian Fields all he wants, wonderful.

Truly a masterpiece.
Vanessa Masters chapter 26 . 2/7/2019
Wish someone would do fanart of Bremos, Acliepus, Proteus and hyllus. Love to see those young, nubile boys. \\\~

And oooh, wonder if melinoe, goddess of ghosts and daughter of hades and Persephone will possibly make a appearance in future.
D.J. Scales chapter 51 . 8/29/2018
Love the interlude here. Nice job.
Gaara-frenzy chapter 51 . 2/27/2018
awesome chapter. I like that celebration. I feel like that women party should be a more common occurrence is regular life. Can't wait for more!
MurphytheProphet chapter 50 . 2/14/2018
Yes, yes. Tom Hiddleston is insanely pretty. If I didn't have a husband I completely adore, I'd totally find a way to ask him for coffee.
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