Reviews for I Won't Say It
Spritefyre chapter 49 . 11/12/2012
Oooooooooooh, there

Be an update coming. *begging* your story is so entertaining, and I really love eet. But no updates!
allonsy10 chapter 22 . 9/23/2012
I think you mean lei not luau.
Spritefyre chapter 2 . 9/20/2012
Chapter 42. Mah gawd hades. Men in wet shirtsbest thing ever. Also, I want to seeeeeeeeee the relationship!
Spritefyre chapter 1 . 9/20/2012
By god. (or gods). I am on chapter 39 and am loving your story. I cannot hold back ny love for your writing. Let me say one thing though. The movie hades I thought was an incessant bastard. Now becauseof your story, I feel of him as a socially awkward cutie. I have fangirl squee'd, laughed, and 'awwwwww'ed too many times to count. The intensity of knowing what the gender of the child is is killing me, but I know I won't have to wait to see. BTW, on average, what frequency do you update so I can be all like. "Omg, new addition!"
littlewolfwindspeaker chapter 26 . 9/6/2012
god you know what would piss hades off? if hyllus and bremos turned out to be gay for each other,i mean i know that would be incest ,but imagining the look on hades face at that news would be hilarious
experimentalDeity chapter 49 . 8/17/2012
That was a very fun read! Update soon, please!
experimentalDeity chapter 47 . 8/17/2012
{becomes incredibly nervous and begins praying} Please don't be like Gamzee, Please don't be like Gamzee, Please don't be like Gamzee...
Wonderwomanbatmanfan chapter 49 . 8/3/2012
this is pretty good. Please update soon :D
TaxusPtero-Oneiroi chapter 46 . 8/1/2012
Since one cannot post to one chapter in multitudes, after Ch. 49, could we eventually see more foreign pantheons? I always find it entertaining to see multiple regions clash, note Anubis and Bastet being my faves, especially so after their childish actions. XD
TaxusPtero-Oneiroi chapter 49 . 7/31/2012
Aaaaaaah, it's good to see another chapter up. I know someone. Posted this already, and the series are for elementary level students, but mythomania good read. They're hard to find though, I've been getting them off amazon.
Dark Topaz chapter 49 . 7/2/2012
Now what has Anubis found please update
DeathByMonkees chapter 1 . 6/23/2012
haha, I love the Hercules version of the greek gods so much. Hermes is hilarious. I like your writing style, though I thought it would've been easier on the eyes if you'd put their internal dialogue in cursive instead of framing it with /-signs. Looking forward to reading the rest! :)
Seaside Fantasies chapter 49 . 3/17/2012
Wow. I actually think I love this fanfic. (And by love, I mean I've managed to read all 49 chapters in a little over five hours or so.) Hades is totally awesome, keep him amazingly in character. Boy, I can just imagine having him for a muse. Worst I have is Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2, and yes, he does have a short temper, but having a full- on flame explosion when you get mad is just badassery within itself.

Persephone is just perfect for Hades, and their reactions are fun and believable. Seph kinda reminds me of me on a bad day...haven't decided whether that's a good thing or not. Matter of fact, all of the character interactions are funny and well- written. I just love Anubis and Cerberus so far, and their reactions to the benu. (Judging by Anubis's lines, 'The Lion King' is another one of your favorite Disney movies, isn't it?) The ' It takes three hundred years to cultivate my feathers and this imbecile ruins them' line written in the lisp made me choke on my Diet Pepsi from laughing. I've really gotta stop drinking beverages when I read this...

And I always used to think that a benu and a Phoenix were different things...ah well.

Looking forward to updates and seeing the twins grownup and stuff. Well, and stoned Cronus. That guy is hilarious.
LightningFuryStrike13 chapter 49 . 3/7/2012
You updated! How did I not notice this?

I'm going to go read this a , what? fifth time.

Thank you. I was just perusing my favorites stories when I saw 49 instead of 48 and nearly leap outta my chair.
Gaara-frenzy chapter 49 . 9/29/2011
awesome! this story is so amazing i love that you actually use real Greek mythology events. although real and myth don't have much business being in the same sentence. i cant wait to see what happens next. hopefully something funny involving Cerberus.
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