Reviews for Want and Need
fahri.uchiha chapter 14 . 1/22/2022
Well Rider must be upset
fahri.uchiha chapter 13 . 1/22/2022
Thanks! 13
fahri.uchiha chapter 12 . 1/22/2022
She must be happy
fahri.uchiha chapter 11 . 1/22/2022
Great Chapter
fahri.uchiha chapter 10 . 1/22/2022
Kiritsugu have his answer! Poor Kirei, he does'nt
fahri.uchiha chapter 9 . 1/22/2022
Oh so that was Kiritsugu's plan against Kayneth? By Waver's hand indirectly
fahri.uchiha chapter 8 . 1/22/2022
Caster Planning
fahri.uchiha chapter 7 . 1/22/2022
Oh yeah! Battle with Kirei and Kiritsugu
fahri.uchiha chapter 6 . 1/22/2022
Lancer vs Rider
Archer vs Caster

Nah.. need to see more
fahri.uchiha chapter 5 . 1/22/2022
Thanks! 5
fahri.uchiha chapter 4 . 1/22/2022
Thanks! 4
fahri.uchiha chapter 3 . 1/22/2022
The fight begin
fahri.uchiha chapter 2 . 1/21/2022
Same war but different
fahri.uchiha chapter 1 . 1/21/2022
Oh yeah! this is what i need!
Rice of the Brown chapter 16 . 9/15/2021
Man... It's a shame that this was abandoned. I find it really interesting whenever EMIYA interacts with Iri and Kiritsugu. Can't find a lot of fics like that.
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