Reviews for A Curse of Truth
CarolWim chapter 28 . 6/22/2022
I'm extremely impressed with your master piece. And this is exactly what it is. A real classic piece of fanfiction. Thank you.
The God of Perverts chapter 1 . 5/30/2022
heh heh Let the games begin.
Guest chapter 28 . 5/28/2022
Bravo, Bravo. Definitely the most consistently good banter I've ever read in a story. You weren't wrong when you guessed it was your specialty. I thoroughly enjoyed this fic. Also, it was one of the few times I've read about a love triangle and it didn't feel annoying or unrealistic. A real accomplishment as far as writing romance goes. And the ending worked for me. It felt real. Thank you for the wonderful fic. I truly enjoyed it.
Draco Victorious chapter 19 . 5/27/2022
Begin /s

This story is terrible, I can't believe you would write words like that.

End /s

Anyway, fake flaming that I suck at aside, This story is great and the relationshipping happening between Harry, Hermione, and William reminds me of some friends in high school that basically did this same dance. afaik they're still sort of a triple.
noggin78 chapter 27 . 5/3/2022
I hate when fanfics make me cry
noggin78 chapter 24 . 5/3/2022
Dudes gonna have kidney problems at the end of this
noggin78 chapter 9 . 5/3/2022
God i love your humour
Sanders7201 chapter 28 . 4/26/2022
all i can say is wow. i thoroughly enjoyed the story. i really wish you would have posted the letter on this story. i understand that there is now a sequel so i might go read it, however, if its not in the potterverse i probably wont. thank you for the hard work that you put into the story.
khatre chapter 15 . 3/28/2022
OMG! A Remo Williams reference?!
I love you! sooo soooo much!
AurelionNoir chapter 27 . 3/27/2022
This is great fantastic work, butalearner!

To be honest, I actually wanted to drop this piece multiple times starting with William's "Love Triangle" with Hermione and Harry. It just doesn't help when the execution was... TERRIBLE, no offense. Though much, much better than most self-insert fics out there (From what I've currently read, which to be honest is not a lot).

Anyways, I hope you find your passion for Writing back!
john777 chapter 1 . 3/21/2022
keep writing more
Mr. January chapter 7 . 3/13/2022
read later
Damian Hendriks chapter 3 . 3/7/2022
that snogging thing tho... whaha laughed my ass off xd
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