Reviews for The Unsuspecting side of the Force
Guest chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
What? What the heck has Bellatrix been up to?
kyoshi711 chapter 13 . 5/14/2018
This is one of the best stories on fan fiction!
ksecc1 chapter 4 . 5/6/2018
Is it bad form when you’re at work and you snort out loud as you try to control your laughter?
Lumene chapter 13 . 5/5/2018
Why, Harry as right now is awesome! Why giving second chances to people’s who doesn’t deserve it. Dead men tells no secrets after all. So Harry doesn’t need to worry about his secret being told to big bad behind everything. And it’s not he’s killings innocent or just for fun. It battle field hesitate and die. And giving second chance to enemy could equals having dagger showed down to your back.
cko2 chapter 13 . 5/5/2018
That is nice to see other events that happened from other points of veiw in the main story. Cool story and idea.
Peon chapter 13 . 4/30/2018
Excellent as always.
DeathCrawler chapter 13 . 4/28/2018
great chapters look forward to see what will happen on tatooine and hopefully your hand healed /feels better
Guest chapter 13 . 4/25/2018
A ritual? A magical one? Magic as in That-thing-that-seems-to-slowly-and-painfully-kill-the-force? A magical ritual from earth? That planet that probably doesn't exist yet? That planet with a different sun, moon and stars surrounding it? Different gravity? A different calendar? Different flora and fauna?
It seems to me that not a single aspect or element of that ritual (whichever one it may be) would be what is needed to make it work and not go horribly wrong. It wouldn't surprise me, if that ritual failing will deal a killing blow to the Force in the whole galaxy, which would explain why the Force didn't exist any longer in Harry's time.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/24/2018
Hmm, I kinda want to see a Satine interlude as well now...
As Obi-wan gets to be her protector and knight in shining armor again when the hordes of unwashed bounty hunters descend on Harry again
tempetepapillon chapter 13 . 4/24/2018
The idea to post this at the same time is soooooo wonderful! I really enjoy this companion fic. The chance to look at your Harry form a different angle is quite addictive and I hope you will continue this. Thank you very much.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/24/2018
HowlnMadHowie chapter 13 . 4/23/2018
OK, I can understand the "from the future" hypothesis is based on Anakin's report of his discussion with Harry on Corellia, but...really? Still to see how delusional and paranoid Sidious is is no surprise. I guess that's a price to pay for being Sith.

But he may have lost Dooku he can pick up Mundi in his stead. But it won't be a covert pick up when the Council learns the ability of Harry to "summon the dead". Still I do hope that meeting with the council is next. It would give great insight into the story.

ALso that "darkness" is likely to come to pas if Anakin did let him die, killed by his own hand (even indirectly) but as Anakin did not deliver the final killing blow that "darkness" may not be as strong. One thing that puzzles me though I thought the Dark Cloud was in place at this point. Unless Anakin is so strong in the Force he bypasses it.

Oh and I have a question, who is 3? Maul and Dooku is 2 who was his 3rd? I don't recall reading about Ventress yet.
Awesome chapter 13 . 4/23/2018
please keep it up.
Yshu chapter 13 . 4/23/2018
Brilliant story. Thank you
Zane Tribal Tyne Alexandros chapter 13 . 4/23/2018
Anakin Skywalker "convince" Harry Potter to act in a more "measured" manner? Pfftt... Yeah, that'll totally happen.. Not.
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