Reviews for Taking Umbridge
Foldedfiesta chapter 13 . 5/15/2024
You gotta continue this, a hiatus right as it was getting good lol, y'all killing me with this, anyway it's a great story, I hope you continue it
Guest chapter 1 . 3/20/2024
Ron Daphne fucking fail
Golden Wind God chapter 13 . 2/28/2024
Guest chapter 2 . 2/27/2024
You need to do a better job stating who someone is talking to and/or about, and who is doing the talking/action you’re writing about.

When your own characters point out problems in your writing… you need to fix the writing, not just make a joke about.


Have you spoken to them?"

Fleur turned to Septima. "Who?"

"King Arthur and Merlin, who do you think?" Septima gestured to the Gryffindor table. "Them. Albus shared what happened last spring. They were lucky you arrived when you did."
Raigan123 chapter 13 . 12/5/2023
After reading this you certainly deserve a review.
Overall it's a great story! I enjoy Fleur's perspective a great deal. It's refreshing.
Compared to your other big story this is clearly superior, in my opinion.
Better plot (epsecially the beginning), better dialogue, better pacing and tone.

Lastly a pernonal wish of mine: focus on this story and forget your other one.
Saslen chapter 10 . 11/2/2023
Clearly, "the power he knows not" is the Chudley Cannons fanbase.
Saslen chapter 9 . 11/2/2023
I absolutely love the way you're writing Molly. Too often, I've seen her bashed to all hell and back.
Saslen chapter 4 . 11/2/2023
Interestingly enough, McGonnagall was incorrect about "I" and "me". Linking verbs like "to be" act kind of like an equals sign, so what's on one side of it is in the same form as what's on the other; just as the subject is in the nominative form, so is the predicate. In the words of Merriam-Webster, "Just as we would say 'She is the Queen,' we must also say 'The Queen is she.'"

Other examples might be "It was I who stole the last of the brownies" or "If I were he, I wouldn't have done that".

Similarly, linking verbs don't take adverbs, instead using predicate adjectives (e.g. "That food smells bad", not "That food smells badly", since "smells" isn't an active verb; it's merely being identified with the food).
Solstice07 chapter 13 . 11/2/2023
oh come on. Just when the main pairing took off too, you can't do this to us mate. The fic has been pretty nice upto this point and I'll admit, I started reading because of the pairing. Please please please continue this. Also mark it Ron/Daphne, to prevent all the hate comments, and for the sake of your mentality too.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/4/2023
Malfoy isn't boudiccas descendant because he's fucking French, not because Anglo Saxons(who also aren't descendant from celts) banged Picts.
WolfgangNH chapter 1 . 8/4/2023
So sad this isnt complete
DELETED ACCOUNT S7P chapter 13 . 7/19/2023
Holy crap, I recognize Sonia25's writing style. I would bet anything that he/she also goes by the user names; kailashmaharana2500, ramchandrapadhi25, Ramadas25000, Resh 250, Roja25, Tinchu, emilyxyz942, and when this person gets bored with those aliases, he/she reviews as a guest. Two patterns I've picked up on with this person's syntax are that they use the acronym 'ff' when referring to a story and the reviews have horrible grammatical errors. The reviews themselves always come off as if the person is trying to speak more to other reviewers as if this person is trying to get others to join in their outrage at a perceived slight against a certain character.

Anyway, this is an interesting story and I hope you start this and When a Veela Cries back up again someday.
dbreezy93 chapter 13 . 3/1/2023
Ughhhh best chapter so far and it looks like it’s been discontinued. Bummer.
Aredianx chapter 8 . 2/20/2022
Whatever the fuck is wrong with Ron has multiplied my dislike for his character and I can't wait for you to explain his problem. It has been 8 chapters of his bullshit attitude and he called Harry a halfblood with a messiah complex. How can you expect us to like him? When I first read the summary I thought he would mature and start paying attention to his classes but I guess I wrong. I can't even finish this chapter. I'm out.
Premedicated chapter 13 . 12/29/2021
I really hope you continue this, especially since we're right at the good part
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