Reviews for Taking Umbridge
Guest chapter 7 . 5/7/2017
Great story, can't wait for more...
Smutley Do-Wrong chapter 7 . 5/6/2017
I thought, 'perhaps a few more "uncanony" differences appropos, like not calling the study group "DA"' ', yet I have not a clue for a replacement name suggestions.

Metaphorical imagery was a nice touch, noticed it in the early paragraphs, such polish and flourish detail, adding a lot to the total product.

With off canon paths taken in a fanfic, it's better IMO, to try to modify any inserted canon bits, if creativity is willing. I suppose a sort of "audit" of inserted canon, for morphing it in any and all possible ways, to FIT the fanfic's differences from canon, plot and CHARACTERS' differences, is a possibly useful writing strategy.
That seems to be happening enough, with this story. More or similar levels kept up, would be good, IMO.

You don't have unique amazing blockbuster plots. But with working materials you have, you have well spun and woven the major plots and characters together, along with embroidering in a lot of details, into a quite professionally crafted story.

So were live and dead bodies left behind by the fleeing Badfoy? Known "imperioused" DEs, known close associates of Lucius, among the bodies?

Harry AND especially Fleur recognizing Lucius, despite the Halloween mask.
(Which BTW, I recall last chap review, claiming Lucy wouldn't be so careless to out his identity, have cane, speak... Well, not if he assumed their ambushing trap sprung. Assume 4 bad ass pureblood DEs, would have little trouble capturing or killing 18 year old Fleur. And considering his ego... )

My thoughts, conjecture of future:

Seems significant evidence enough regarding Draco. Adds weight to justify putting strong interrogation screws to albino ferret boy.
I suppose many fanfics follow canon lead, where so many with POWERS (Dumbledore, Amelia, Augusta(?wizengamot member canon or not?) ) are SO HELPLESS or inept, the Daily Prophet strings pulled by Fudge, his strings pulled by Lucius, and as if Fudge is a despotic dictator with absolute power and control over the Ministry of Magic.

Segueing to another topic:
Umbridge's actions. Would seem, to inspire more ruthless actions and retribution, amongst at least some of the Gryffindor student teen protagonists. Such as Draco having his well being threatened, if not threatened his life is forfeit, if he doesn't leave Hogwarts.
Or that he faces consequences of his participation in the DE ambush, without being warned.

It is not intellectually daft, IMO, to argue for example, that in giving an order to kill(or buying an assassin), the person ordering is as responsible if not MOST responsible, for the killing(s) as the killer. Similarly, Draco's role made him a major participant. That he was in smirk and gloating glee pride mode, only adds more self righteous justification that he be given no quarter, no mercy, no pardon.

Other than if the French Ministry has anything to say, about the DE ambush on French citizen, and TriWiz champion Fleur. (order arrest for Lucius?). That covers most of my primary thoughts about current and future events. Remains to be seen what the author thought and wrote, in future chapters.
A less primary thought:
The cookie cutout common Hermione in SO MANY fanfics. Is her rule obeying(lol, ignoring inspiration from canon examples of BIG rule breaking) and being morally "handicapped" (too moral) and squeamish for "war".
With your Fleur dominating page time. Not that Hermione has had substantially less page time(more than Ron) than the other in the trio/quatro group.
My impression is, Ron, Harry, even Neville(with DA Hogshead dialog), would have me not surprised, if they followed my above vigilantism against Malboy Draco. But Hermione, is more "?". Not in total, made such an impression. Though her fighting DEs twice, has her at the least, not an incapable of "hurting" others Hermione characterization.
On the other hand. I suppose giving more of an impression. Gives less surprise, if the character goes bamf on someone. Opposite that hand though, some might feel it an OOC glitch or huge gaff in the writing, for such a "surprise".
Tony McNucklz chapter 7 . 5/6/2017
I'm really enjoying this. keep the chapters coming!
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 7 . 5/6/2017 say Cho is using him to relieve guilt is an understatement. She never endeared herself to me.
stevefocus chapter 7 . 5/6/2017
Great story so far, looking forward to the next chapter.
Teufel1987 chapter 7 . 5/5/2017

Though, when you say "fight with" you generally mean that you will be fighting with someone against a common enemy.
The same applies for "visit with", "meet with" and "talk with".

I eagerly await the next chapter!
LuxEterna1 chapter 7 . 5/5/2017
very nice i like it (and gabrielle was awesome)
Baptism By Fire chapter 7 . 5/5/2017
Gabby's naivety is hilarious and cute all at the same time and I love it
Ushiromiya Rudolph chapter 7 . 5/5/2017
Very nice chapter. I especially like the ending part where Fleur reacts to Cho kissing Harry.
LifeIsAGreatAdventure chapter 7 . 5/5/2017
Thanks loads for your hard work on this chapter and for its early appearance. Looking forward to the next one around Memorial Weekend.
Arnie1701 chapter 7 . 5/5/2017
Glad to see this story continuing!
HaywireEagle chapter 7 . 5/5/2017
Showing more development between Fleur and Harry would probably give more credence than what we've seen thus far.
ObsessedWithHPFanFic chapter 7 . 5/5/2017
Good chapter and great that Fleur has recovered and has a new insight into her family. Fun ending with Fleur's observations of the meeting. Thanks for sharing!
RebeccaRoy chapter 1 . 5/5/2017
Nice, a good change and back story on Fleur, I always saw as a strong young woman with a curse called beauty. Beautiful people can be treated so badly at times and she was, but she was powerful and had a heart so deep and strong too.
Wanderer chapter 6 . 4/29/2017
This is Wanderer here, continuing my previous response which in my haste got the post script clipped off.

PS : I wonder when we will get some quality H/F interaction that may or may not lead to a stronger friendship and beyond.
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