Reviews for Taking Umbridge
Xivitai chapter 2 . 2/25/2017
At least Harry will not have to open his mind to professor Slave.
soccersack chapter 2 . 2/25/2017
This has excellent potential! I'm glad to hear that you're so far along with writing this, and I'm very much looking forward to finding out what you have planned for everyone involved.
orthankg1 chapter 2 . 2/24/2017
Very nice. chapter 2 . 2/24/2017
Thanks for following through with this story. I've been keeping up on DLP and cannot wait to read the final edition.

Thank you again!
ObsessedWithHPFanFic chapter 2 . 2/24/2017
Great chapter and nice to read Fleur's movements from France to the start of school and the incidences that have occurred in such a short amount of time. I liked the last line of this chapter especially, lol. Thanks for sharing!
V-rcingetorix chapter 2 . 2/24/2017
Good to see you back in action! Research can be a real time sink, although now my curiosity is piqued as to what form of research your path has taken.

The single best point I've enjoyed in this chapter is the background information. World building, if you will. The different names, a bit of 'foreign' nomenclature for names. Using history as a weapon is something I wholeheartedly approve. Making it feel as if it had the depth of an entire world of historians and mathematicians just added to the entire reality. Excellent work!

One note, the title is similar to another work by Stephen Ratliffe, also on this website. A but more lighthearted than your style, but a good read nonetheless.

Hope to see more from you soon!
LifeIsAGreatAdventure chapter 2 . 2/24/2017
Really really like this so far. The second chapter is a major step forward in writing quality from the first which still suffers from some occasional internal monologues that make Fleur sound too male. That said, you have a fascinating plot, some really great character development, and a very different sort of fifth year -in some respects at least-than canon. This should be a fascinating read. Very much looking forward to future installments and thankful for your hard work on these so far.
Darksnider05 chapter 2 . 2/24/2017
I really feel like I've read this and enjoyed it before. Hoping for more soon.
Arnie1701 chapter 2 . 2/24/2017
Great couple of chapters! Will we get to see Fleur roast the Umbitch? PLEASE?
Shadowdog11 chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
I have somehow never started this before. Love it. Not a surprise overall, as I like When a Veela cries quite a bit. This is another unique approach to handling Fleur
rmcsquared chapter 1 . 2/16/2016
I like the direction this is going and really hope you come back and work on it more
oldkerosen chapter 1 . 12/12/2015
Please continue it!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/7/2015
like this chapter and i understand molly almost every year one of her kids almost die. and she in the wrong if she worried about them. ps one think you can say about ron he kill anyone that tried to hurt those he loves.
V-rcingetorix chapter 1 . 4/3/2015
I'm a little surprised this is the only chapter, since the original publishing date was in 2012. Since I know you're still writing, may I ask why this story was not continued?

Overall, I'd give it a B/A- grade. There are a few typo errors (percentile, payback), but not many.

As for the story plot, it sounds like a decent premise. Although, I can only imagine the pun potential when a Veela joins the Order of the Fried Chicken ... rimshot, please.

More seriously, I'm not sure how far this could go. The logical extension would have Umbridge vs Delacour, with Potter siding with Delacour after a bit. At some point, there would be feathers and/or fire going, which would end up either in a mini battle for Hogwarts, or a simple legal action expelling Umbridge. Based on the normal reaction I've seen readers have, the feathers/fire option would be more probable. So, it would have a lot of potential for conversations about pureblood/halfblood (which you've proven your capabilities in your 'Veela Cries' fic), but I'm not sure what else it would be able to do.

Good luck!
Trace Reading chapter 1 . 4/2/2015

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