Reviews for Taking Umbridge
Nachtt chapter 13 . 5/21/2020
Finally got around to reading this chapter. It was a good one, thank you as always.
Baby Huey chapter 11 . 5/21/2020
Wow. I just read the flames at the end of chapter 12 and the ones by Sonia25. I find it funny that they are complaining about your writing when their reviews are barely readable.
bluetrash chapter 13 . 5/19/2020
not bad
Guest chapter 12 . 5/17/2020
Wow, that flamer was a complete moron. If I didn't like a story, I'm just going to stop reading it. So far, this one is still interesting
tim200390 chapter 13 . 5/13/2020
great story
Baby Huey chapter 13 . 5/5/2020
I have put off reading this chapter for a few weeks. When I finally got to it, I had to read the entire story all over again. I hope that we will not need to wait another 21 months to read chapter 14.
Annabeth Ginebra Swan chapter 13 . 5/3/2020
Muy buen fic! No puedo esperar a leer el próximo capitulo!
Mionefan chapter 13 . 4/28/2020
I'd left this story for so long, meaning to come back to it, but until yesterday it sat untouched. To tell the truth, It's hard to find a really good story with a Fleur / Harry pairing, but this chapter more than makes up for it! I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Inoeth chapter 13 . 4/27/2020
I found this story while searching for new fanfics during quarantine and have quite enjoyed it. I've enjoyed the long, slow and because of that rather believable relationship blooming between Harry and Fleur. I've very much enjoyed how you've portrayed Umbridge and how you've taken all of these changes to the original TL in a very fun and believable way.

If I had a few minor complaints it's that I feel like Ron becoming as good, studious etc as he is was too fast, too sudden. I'm also not entirely sure just how believable the whole Ron Daphene romance is- it's very cute and fun, but at the same time Ron overcame his almost instinctual hatred and prejudice against all of Slythern to start to date Daphene, the alleged beautiful Ice Queen of Slythern... It's a bit much. They make a cute couple this far into the story, but how they got to where they are I feel like happened too fast- kind of like Ron's growth from a rather shallow, hot tempered lazy teen into this jacked, studious and yet also alcoholic Gryffindor version of Snape.

Finally, I would have loved to see more of Fleur's actual lessons earlier in the story as that first lesson really helped to flesh out the story and expand the whole magical world with those neat little details. Not a lot mind you, but perhaps snippets here and there in previous chapters would have added to the story.

Moving on from there, I can't wait to see what happens next as we've clearly well and truly left the realm of the original TL - and that's a good thing.

Keep up the good work and know that despite my attempted constructive criticisms you've got yourself a new reader who's looking forward to the next chapter.
percysthebest16 chapter 13 . 4/20/2020
Mister Cuddlesworth chapter 13 . 4/17/2020
Gotta say, I'm enjoying the hell out of this story. Really looking forward to getting more.

Unlike some of the other people in the reviews, I actually quite like the way the romance is developing. It's always nice to see a realistic romance develop naturally over time in a fanfic. Ron and Dumbledore not being evil it's a much welcomed glass of clear water as well in the endless desert that is this fandom.
ThingsCanBeTwoThings chapter 8 . 4/16/2020
I haven't written as many reviews as this story deserves;I am sorry. However, I wanted to let you know that this Dumbledore is a delight. I think you've done a great job writing him.
piltad chapter 13 . 4/16/2020
Amazing chapter can't wait for the next one
ffntfy456 chapter 13 . 4/15/2020
I'm glad to see you're writing again. I've been looking forward to seeing more of this story. You've done a good job writing Harry and Fleur. I'm looking forward to seeing how they deal with Umbridge.
thornypride chapter 12 . 4/14/2020
Is it bad I loved those reviews the best? Like is he going to burn you or throw you off a cliff? No one knows! Lol great story. Taking it slow in a pairing isn't bad. Even if it happens last scene of the story, it's better than a chapter 2 Harry banging Fleur in his vaults that he just found out about. And also he's a male veela and his spunk is actually life giving and he's a metamorph and the Weasleys betrayed him so they are already dead except for ginny(we all know why). Whew kinda got away from me lol
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