Reviews for Taking Umbridge
Faneldinmunti chapter 13 . 4/14/2020
Enjoyed it immensely, can’t wait for the next
Airwtw chapter 13 . 4/14/2020
Just wanted to say thank you for updating, no matter how far between. This story is a pleasure to read.

I hope you stay well amidst the current crisis.

mworth1019 chapter 13 . 4/13/2020
I love this story and cant wait for the next installment. I never can understand why anyone would read a story that they dont like especially one as long as this, that is just plain dumb and a waste of time.
sxvi chapter 13 . 4/13/2020
Thank you so much for the update! It’s always great to hear from you. Hoping that this and WAVC gets updated soon! Cheers
timewastin chapter 13 . 4/13/2020
Thanks for the update! I might dare to suggest to cut one of the bumping into each other, lengthen that scene or do more to impress on the reader how big the castle is and how much time it took for them to get to the room of requirement. Made that scene, which is a pretty important one, a bit contrived.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/13/2020
Oh my god, I almost thought you weren't coming back! Btw amazing chapter
ChuckTheElf chapter 13 . 4/12/2020
Those are some ... interesting reviews. To paraphrase an older meme: 'such grammar. many wow.'

My own personal critique: good slow burn. 13 chapters before getting to the first overt portion? Very good, in my opinion. On the other hand, there is a dearth of H/F fics. I prefer H/Hr personally, but any good pairing is fun to read.

Hr/R notwithstanding ... but that is like the difference between crows and ravens: a matter of a pinion.

Negative points: a little cliche for the tight spaces chase scene, but cliches exist for a reason. They work. In this case, it was fluid enough to keep the story moving without dragging along. Too many stories have a few paragraphs devoted to nothing by 'heart pounding' and 'breathing' ... Twilight Lite if you will. Not sure which is worse.

Keep up the good work, stay safe!
flyster chapter 13 . 4/12/2020
Fuck yeah! Finallyy!
This was awesome!
Write more
Write faster!

Keep up the good job
izwan chapter 13 . 4/12/2020
You got a really good story going on here. I thoroughly enjoy reading it. Don't let some people make you think otherwise.

As for that particular person you mentioned in the a/n for this chapter, I too was unfortunate being ended up at the end of her gun. But after reading her reviews on other stories and having read those stories, I was beginning to think she didn't really read those stories at all. Maybe she read a couple of sentences then call it whatever she likes.

The point is, there are a lot of ways for her to get her point across. Flaming isn't one of them.
George1892 chapter 13 . 4/12/2020
I don't know how I ended up following this fic as I don't remember it at all but it is absolutely fantastic. Easily one of the best on this site. You have such rich characters that are fleshed out and rounded. Fleur isn't some trope riddled creature. Ron and Molly are both capable, loyal and brilliant. Harry is great and him and Fleur are progressing well too. Especially having Harry, Ron and Hermione all go their separate ways romantically. And you diverged from canon so much.

Top, top quality fic all round. Really reminds me why I use this site.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/12/2020
great chapter. Sharing memories thing was interesting
liteMARGARITA chapter 13 . 4/12/2020
So stoked that this was updated. Can't wait for the next one!
guesswho111 chapter 13 . 4/12/2020
Great Chapter! Extremely excited to see where this goes! You are a fantastic author I love all your stores this one and When a Veela Cries may be my favorite fanfics of all time.
kateplay chapter 13 . 4/12/2020
Was so happy seeing this pop up in my inbox loved every word of it keep up the good work it's a very interesting take on there 5th year one that is new to me
Saintzor chapter 13 . 4/12/2020
This is my first time reading this fic and I must say I never thought I'd enjoy a Harry/Fleur pairing, so congratulations on changing my mind about that haha
Their relationship progresses naturally and it feels very much in character

That being said, my favorite part of this is Ron. He's the most 'normal' of the main trio of HP characters and seeing his development is, pardon my french, bloody brilliant! Especially liked seeing him and Hermione being okay with not being with eachother (Is it too much to ask for a bit more Daphne/Ron?)
His absolutely crazy plan during the Gala was awesome! As was the subsequent Molly thrashing DEs haha

I'll be waiting for the next update

All the best!
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