Reviews for Rebel
Ilovebatman15 chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Totally loving this! Bad boy peeta is awesome! Cant wait for the rest of the story!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Lol hehehe who doesn't love a rebel peeta! Loving the story! Cant wait to read next chapter!
Emma Kellog chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
It's like you read my mind. Just earlier today, I was thinking that no one writes a bad boy Peeta story, and now this shows up in my inbox. Awesome. You gave hints that he is the same Peeta we all fell in love with when we read the books, so I am really interested to learn what caused this transformation. His life in the books sucked so much that it always seemed, to me, like his fate was balanced on a knifes edge. He turned out good an kind, but could have so easily gone the other way. Yay. Can't wait to read more.
MaidenAlice chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
im already hooked a bad boy peeta and a good girl katniss just scream awesomeness
slagheapwhore chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Love the preview of Bad Boy Peeta. November can't come soon enough!
Thundarrgirl chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Wow. Even total-and-complete-asshole Peeta is hot. Sigh.
DarcyPeeta chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Woah, I love this, and I can't wait to read the rest! I almost feel like Peeta is very Josh Hutcherson in this story lol.
I-Say-Wicked chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
SO EXCITED about this story! "Naughty Peeta" is a hot change! I absolutely love all your fanfics and I can't wait for the next chapter! It's amazing already! :)
Nmoreblack chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
This is such great, interesting premise. And Peeta's relationship with his brother is such a wonderful dynamic. So excited for more.
kiddingmyself chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
That was like
Omg guys.
So good.
Thank you.
That is all.
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