Reviews for Home for the Holidays
sophcarpenter chapter 28 . 5/13/2024
this was so beautiful!
antipyro chapter 28 . 1/12/2024
Love it! So fantastic. Love all the emotions you laid out for us to feel. Heart wrenching!

Thank you so much.
Chell Belikova chapter 1 . 7/26/2023
Does russia have “senior prom” and junior prom? In aus we call it a formal and we dont have nearly as many dances. Thought russia might have less than that
Guest chapter 28 . 12/3/2022
Absolutely beautiful... Loved it so much!
Thank you
RozaRoseHathaway chapter 28 . 5/10/2022
Really enjoyed reading all of your stories. Hope to read more from you one day. :)
ginabowman2005 chapter 23 . 1/19/2021
Love how Adrian handled things in this chapter.
epiphany23 chapter 28 . 12/1/2020

But other than that I LOVED THIS STORY! thank you for writing and completing this! Xx
epiphany23 chapter 28 . 12/1/2020
In the previous chapter at the end it says they are expecting a boy.

Then in this chapter they have a girl and call the baby Anastasia.

But after that in the ‘one year later’ part of the epilogue, Rose calls their baby girl Stacy?
epiphany23 chapter 20 . 12/1/2020
Okay I take it backI now want her to end up with Dimitri hehe
epiphany23 chapter 17 . 12/1/2020
She better be careful walking around with Dimitrithe paparazzi are going to catch her and Adrian will know she’s lying/find out o_o
epiphany23 chapter 10 . 12/1/2020
dang. I’m guessing she’s going to end up with Dimitri but I really want her to stay with Adrian ngl
Guest chapter 29 . 11/22/2018
I just wanted to say that this is a beautiful story, that I don’t even have words to describe how beautiful and amazing it is. You should be really proud and thank you
genisis love chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
Guest chapter 6 . 3/17/2017
Great story so far but for writing in the future it would be nice if you could make it more clear if they all speak Russian and when. Also if maybe they could speak it more and it's written in Russian? Keep doing amazing writing!
Lea0014 chapter 21 . 5/31/2016
Honestly, I feel like Rose is a total bitch in this story, much to my dismay. Rose is my favorite character in VA, and for her to act like this makes me sad. :(
So far with what I've read, which is a lot, she doesn't deserve Dimitri. She's just stringing him along. I understand what happened to her, losing her baby is traumatic, but everything she's done up to this point is beyond selfish. She just seems like a gold digger. I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend, but I can't find another way to describe how you've written her. Even her explanations just don't do. And she's always mad that "everyone takes Dimitri's side", well honestly, she's lucky that her family and friends are STILL talking to her after disappearing for 7 years. And I don't understand how Dimitri's family isn't more angry at her. I mean, the ONLY family member that made sense to me was Sonja. I know you don't like her, but honestly, if someone broke down my brother the way Rose tore down Dimitri, I think I'd be antagonistic towards that person too. How could I not? She broke my brothers heart and left her family and friends without so much as a goodbye. I honestly wouldn't treat Rose like everything's okay, and most definitely wouldn't receive her with open arms. You made Rose seem like she doesn't care about anyone or anything but herself. I understand 17 is young, but you can't use the excuse that being young makes you beyond selfish. And seriously, the one thing Dimitri asks, and she goes and whores around with Adrian? That's just.. I'm really disappointed is all.
Other than Rose's character (which is beyond OOC), you write well.
So this was just to express my opinion. I know I don't have to read any further, and I'm not sure if I will, at this point. It's just too much now.
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