Reviews for Firebird's Son: Book I of the Firebird Trilogy
physmatik chapter 1 . 1/28
I return here after reading all three. What can I say? It's at good as fanfiction gets. Drop the HP references and it would easily pass as a work of its own. It has some questionable moments and ending is not as satisfactory at I'd want, but it's fine. You don't notice those when you are immersed and that's the only thing that matters.
It's fairly grim and dark, so be warned. This is not light reading.
Animeworld2.0 chapter 29 . 12/17/2024

I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.

I would like to inform you that my channel is now monetized, and I make sure to give proper credit in the description of your story. Additionally, I will share the video link under your story review for your view. I respect authors and their copyright.

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am happy to make changes according to your guidance.

I would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.

Thank you
the-cari-moose chapter 40 . 11/19/2024
I've stayed up until 3am on a work night to consume this work of art. I am in awe, and obsessed.
Kujukala chapter 6 . 11/17/2024
I'm at chapter 6 and notice that this HP world is horrifying.
very good writing and writing style but the world is horrifying.
Guest chapter 14 . 11/2/2024
Dun Dun Du-u-u-u-n
themadmartian chapter 40 . 9/22/2024
Bloody Awesome story, will most definitely start on the sequel as soon as I finish this review.
Oh, and it will go into my favorites folder.
odonnellzoo99 chapter 40 . 8/28/2024
I forgot how awesome the world building is in this story.
Reading this again reminded why the whole trilogy is on my Favorites list.
omh666 chapter 40 . 8/10/2024
Now that was an ending! Really enjoyable read and I'm looking forward to the second fic in the series.
omh666 chapter 4 . 8/9/2024
I'm a bit confused at how you're handling the house system here based on these two lines.

"No, he could go to Hufflepuff too, but there's more fire in his magic than earth, so I think he'll be in Gryffindor."
"He proved you wrong," Elfaba replied smugly. "And he hasn't won the bet yet. Mr Longbottom could end up being sorted to Ravenclaw, though of course I

If Harry saw earth and fire, how would he go to Ravenclaw?
Freddie Rindklip chapter 40 . 7/4/2024
I look forward to the 2nd part of the trilogy.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 5 . 7/3/2024
I am enjoying this re-read.
redmen6blight chapter 26 . 6/18/2024
Yep more i read more I am convinced this is some AU of Warhammer where the Chaos gods won, Slannesh is dominant and Tzeench is in the background trying to undo it all,while they killed Lhorne and Nurgle mixed with the Harry Potter Voldemirt being a mix of Skaven and Chaos dwarves meaning i actually feel bad for the guy. Its entertaining but also annoyingly grim dark and yet entertaining enough to keep reading
redmen6blight chapter 15 . 6/14/2024
Now you might ultimately say Voldemort is the villian he is partially. The Coven system however is what created him ultimately I would put it as the ultimate evil in would be akin to the skaven while the Coven system would be Chaos. They inadvertently created the skaven as well as a fifth Chaos God that ultimately will destroy them.
Kate Eads chapter 15 . 5/16/2024
You did write evil things lol! Im in tears! But it’s a truely winderful story so far!
Kate Eads chapter 3 . 5/15/2024
I have just started this series, but have read some of your other stories, don’t let the haters get you! Its fan fiction for a reason. I hate when a fic basically follows cannon, i love to see what authors have created around this beautiful world and you do a fantastic job of putting your own spin on the potter verse! Keep writing! I think the haters are just mad cause they can’t see the brilliance of what is created off the base world!
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