Reviews for Against the Odds
1717user chapter 29 . 1/15/2024
Just reread this story and still love it so much. Thank you so much for sharing
CynMar Rom chapter 29 . 12/4/2023
Awwww. When you warned me in the first chapter, I thought of not going through with it. But I told myself I'd stop if it became too sad. Or angsty. But it was beautiful. It was beautiful how they conected with each other, how Bella just knew. Sometimes we ignore our gut so much, but leaning into it is a wonderful thing. I love how fiercely and stongly Bella defends her family. Her husband. It was beautiful. Chef's kiss.
Thanks for sharing!
WordsMusicMagic chapter 29 . 6/30/2022
This is such a sweet story. I can sooooo relate to Bella. My first was older than me by a few years but I was mature for my age and was never interested in high school boys. It was never pervy and I was the one who pushed him to move forward. I'm in love with this Edward too. What an amazing young man. Thank you for the full circle HEA too. Thank you for sharing this with the community. xxoo
labellavampira chapter 29 . 2/17/2022
Just read this story for the first time (which is weird because pretty much all I've done since 2008 is read fanfiction, haha) somehow I missed this one!
I would love to have an EPOV version. I'm actually dying for it a bit.
I do feel the story could've gone without the whole "age of consent/crime/possible charges" plot. As a daughter of a teen mother and someone who went to high school in one of the country's top teen pregnancy schools, everything in this story could've still played out without that aspect/threat. Also, it is extremely common for senior boys to date freshman girls so I guess I don't see it as a big deal. So I kinda found that drama unrealistic...but the rest was so good!
Again, I wish I could've read from EPOV ;)
AlexandraaCullen chapter 29 . 1/23/2022
I liked this story! It had a bittersweet ending, it’s sad Emmett missed out on so much but it’s good he finally came around. I found the whole three years older thing to me seemed fine to me, but where I live their age difference is legal so I’ve grown up seeing friends of mine when we were in high school date older guys and that’s why Edward and Bella’s age difference seemed so normal to me but I suppose there are places in the world it could be inappropriate depending on laws. I almost feel this story would have worked better though if the age gap was a little bigger so that everyone’s reactions seemed more likely. Regardless though I enjoyed this a lot! It was a really unique plot and you did a wonderful job with it!
Kyam cullen chapter 29 . 10/5/2021
No words... this is amazing! I loved the story! I had red most of ur stories before but missed this one somehow,
It’s such a lovely story! The way you portrayed edwards feelings... u Rock!
Flora Mile chapter 29 . 7/5/2021
Oh my…. What an amazing story, I could not put it down, I needed to make sure Edward was still going to at the birth and there for Bella!

Loved every chapter, sentence and word. I loved how you did the Epi in Emmetts point of view. I would love to read one done in Edwards in the future… about 10 years with them having more kids.

Thank you!
ElenaMasenV2 chapter 29 . 5/28/2021
That was so, so, soooo beautiful! Edward and Emmets make up talk made me cry~~~Soooo good! Thank you for writing and sharing!
ElenaMasenV2 chapter 25 . 5/28/2021
Wow. This fic is realistic
Not my fave Emmett for sure, but def one of my fave Edwards! He's a real Man!
ElenaMasenV2 chapter 22 . 5/28/2021
Awww poor Edward. He's always trying to do the right thing and being real man but everybody asks so much of him lol. I'm actually afraid for him:(
ElenaMasenV2 chapter 12 . 5/27/2021
I love this Rose, I love this Edward
I wonder if this Edward understood all the risks and yet did what Bella asked
ElenaMasenV2 chapter 10 . 5/27/2021
Wow! Amazing how an author can write two people's different perspectives on the same experience so well!
ElenaMasenV2 chapter 9 . 5/27/2021
Such an interesting story! So well written!
ElenaMasenV2 chapter 1 . 5/27/2021
I usually prefer vamp fics but omg this is so good!
Burning4Peeta chapter 29 . 1/23/2021
I finally finished this story early this morning. I just couldn't put it down. It was so good. This will definitely be on my frequent re-read list. I did not want this to end.
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