Reviews for Variant Strain
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 1 . 8/3
GamefreakCC chapter 78 . 7/22
Reading these stories gave me great joy. Rest In Peace. You will be missed.
Nothingspecial43 chapter 78 . 6/12
I've read this story way back when, surprise to see it update a year ago. But now finding out the author passed away?

And if this is truly true...That's...That's really unfortunate.

In many ways, to whoever is handling his account, note that his stories, not just this, but all of his stories I've read in the past were well worth the read. And again as I say these three words, in many ways, he inspired me to be able to write the stories I'm either writing, or trying to write today.

This story was an amazing ride, and I'm very much glad we're able to get an ending to this. I whole heartily hope his family, friends, are doing well, and I hope that he was able to enjoy the life he had all the way to the end.

Fly high brother, you did good here, real good.
Aegor chapter 1 . 6/10
Rest in peace, scrivner. You will be missed by your readers.
LezarioFanficio chapter 11 . 6/8
Rest in Peace Scriviner, You will be missed, I adored your works here and on QQ
robertnewmann00 chapter 1 . 6/7
Rest in Peace, Scriviner.
misterfishy chapter 78 . 6/7
I knew you not, but your stories brought me joy.
Rest in Peace, Scriviner.
Guest chapter 78 . 6/7
For anyone unaware, Scriviner passed away due to a rare form cancer. Condolences to his family, his friends, his wife, and his children. Rest in Peace Scriv.
kukuhimanpr chapter 7 . 3/28
peter's stomach goes "grrrrwllllww"
peter goes "et tu? tummytus?"
comprehensive generalization chapter 78 . 2/28
This was excellent, start to finish.
Masksss chapter 24 . 2/19
Keep staring, Peter. Stay inside your head. Don't worry about the people dying, who cares. Just stay hidden and cry about it later. Then forget about it and move on to the next thing to stare and do nothing about. Just like you left your Aunty.
MooseGoblin chapter 78 . 1/12
I found this story on a whim and thought it would be something closer to a "Peter starts his journey with a symbiote(protype infection in this case), as opposed to a spider bite" story. Imagine my surprise once I got about 5 chapters in and realized this was much more Biological Terrorist based then Marvel comic based.

Overall though it is a great story, that I would say struggles with pacing a bit. 300k-ish words to discuss the events that take place over 8 days is a slightly jarring timeline. Use of Time Skips in the earlier chapters could assist with that, that way the characters wouldn't sit back and realize that is has only been 3 day, 4days, ect once every 3 chapters. Also after living through a pandemic we all know that 8 days to quarantine and "stop the spread" isn't a feasible depiction. (yes I know the story was published in 2012 and updated for the past 11 years, but most other historical pandemics lasted for larger lengths of time and a longer infection would have allowed for some more development and interplay between Peter and other characters)

I say all of this, but, it kept me engaged all the way to the end and I would read any further epilogues published for this story. 87/100. Well done!
moozga chapter 78 . 8/17/2023
Great story!
Drunken Hamster chapter 78 . 8/16/2023
Oh... YEAH! So I guess this is the equivalent to the Spider Totem thing reaching through time, space, and the multiverse to save Miguel? Does this mean you're starting a sequel fic?

Darth Marrs chapter 78 . 7/21/2023
Congrats on finishing this epic!
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