Reviews for Roots & Wings
LJLanham chapter 206 . 12/18/2016
Beautifully done, my freind.
I'm sure I haven't said enough throughout the course of this amazing journey. I'm not going to lie, there are tears in my eyes. I don't like saying goodbye to this family that I've fallen so deeply in love with. I can only begin to imagine what that must have been like for you. Thank you. Thank you so much for the thought and care you put into each character and each new generation of the Booth family. Thank you for sharing them with all of us. Coming to the end of this story leaves me feeling a bit bereft- and I imagine it's a little of what I'll be feeling come March.
R. Durham chapter 206 . 11/10/2016
I want to thank you again for the beautiful world you created here. I have found myself coming back often in the last few days, simply to escape the ugly reality that now exists in our country. The results of this year’s election make me appreciate even more the happiness and love which fill these chapters. Spending time with this wonderful family is a much needed and welcome break.

Thank you again for sharing your talent, and this lovely universe, with us.
APG66 chapter 3 . 10/31/2016
All I could think of when you mentioned park on stage is "a Booth in a theatre, that always ends well."
Guest chapter 200 . 10/15/2016
I love what you've done with Petra. It's not often that Black families are shown with history or with family heirlooms to pass down the generations. The wedding dress and the "little square house" are nice additions to this OC.
Megan chapter 7 . 9/29/2016
Okay, I just started reading this fic today, and I had a literal "eyes widened and jaw dropped" reaction to reading that bridge dedication. Good plot twists in fanfic are so rare; kudos to you for pulling that off. (And for incorporating one of my very favorite Bones episodes, too!)

I'm loving this so far. Only 199 chapters to go...
Michelle Bones chapter 206 . 9/27/2016
Mis respetos por crear una historia tan rica y fantastica como esta, a traves de una increible serie. Yo vi Bones desde el primer capitulo porque me encantaba David Boreanaz desde Angel el vampiro pero la quimica que tenia con Emily Deschanel superaba con creces la de Sarah Michelle Geller.
Los personajes creados a partir de su historia son memorables y entrañables. Las amigas de secundaria de Christine, el mismo Zach, los esposos y esposas de los hijos de ByB, los nietos, los bisnietos... Dios mio que imaginacion! La verdad esque ha creado una saga, lo volvio una historia de familia, de recuerdos y generaciones y eso, a mi, me toca hasta lo mas profundo.
He leido los 206 capitulos en el traductor de google y dejeme decirle que el traductor es un asco pero usted escribe de una manera tan exacta y perfecta que todo encaja, y permitame una licencia de autor "como piezas de lego"
Pocas veces he llorado con una historia de fanfiction. Llore en el cap donde Booth y Brennan mueren, me rei a carcajadas con el cap de Christine y Michael preguntandole a sus padres quien tenia el pene mas grande, volvi a llorar cuando los hermanos Booth tuvieron que enfrentarse a una casa vacia de la presencia de sus padres pero llena de recuerdos... es una historia que trasciende la misma serie porque ha sabido describirla tan familiar e intimamente que cualquiera de los personajes podria ser mi vecino... quiza no una Temperance Brennan pero si un Booth.
En fin y antes de que divague mas, gracias. Gracias por escribir algo tan bello y tan cercano a la familia que todos quisieramos ver realizada en la television.
Se que la serie acabara en el 2017 con la temporada 12 pero su escrito nos permitira entrar nuevamente en la Poderosa Cabaña y ver nuevamente la vida de los Booth cada vez que queramos. Esa vida que quisimos ver en pantalla y que usted, generosamente nos regala en su escrito.
Una vez mas, gracias...
Saludos desde Lima -Peru, en el puerto del Callao y desde La Perla del Pacifico.
gillscl chapter 205 . 8/15/2016
I very rarely write reviews for fanfiction... I'm the definition of a lurker! I've read many stories since I discovered Bones in Season 5, without reviewing them, but I felt I had to comment on this one.

This chapter in particular had me in floods of tears. I don't know how you wrote it, based on what you said about your own circumstances. The honest rawness of the grief of Brennan and Booth's children is just so palpable. I guess it taps into that fear that we all have - that one day we will have to do the same in our childhood home. Ignoring the fact that this is a Bones story, I wanted to say that the writing was so good that it made me weep in its honest portrayal of emotion, so thank you for that. To me, the mark of a good writer is someone who can evoke such strong, real emotions in their reader.

Secondly, your OCs were so well drawn and filled in that I wept with them! I'm not generally a fan of AU stories, especially with a multitude of characters not on the show(!), but I was drawn in by your characters and kept reading. It is quite something that your invented characters, based on a TV show's invented characters can make a reader so emotional, so well done! I wept with Christine, Zack, Parker et al.

To have written such an anthology is amazing! I just wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work. I can't imagine how much time & effort went into creating this world. 'Thanks' seems trite, but hopefully alongside all of the other reviews, you have a sense of the impact your story has had.

I see by your comments that you no longer enjoy the show as before and I'm sorry about that. I still love the show and the ending of your story is another reminder that we will soon be at the end of the show as well. I imagine that will also set off more tears! Thank you for continuing, even if your love of the show waned.

I'm so glad to have come across your writing and hope that you continue to write stories, whatever the fandom. I am so glad that Booth and Brennan got more than their 40 years together and happy in your world!

ChrissieA chapter 206 . 8/4/2016
I did it! All 206 chapters! What a beautiful world you created! I fell in love with each OC character and farther in love with Booth and Brennan. This family is what I want out of life. Thank you so much for this wonderful story!
ChrissieA chapter 193 . 8/4/2016
Aww! I love this :)
ChrissieA chapter 151 . 8/3/2016
Old grouchy Booth makes me smile :)
ChrissieA chapter 109 . 8/2/2016
Oh I love it so much! Booth as a trainer is one of my favorite Booths :) I love when he puts people in their place!
ChrissieA chapter 99 . 8/1/2016
*sigh* I just love them!
ChrissieA chapter 89 . 8/1/2016
I love that Booth decided they all needed a dad moment. And I love that no one thought to disobey. And I love that Brenna brought him a beer and saw what he was doing. And I love that they will all actually appreciate this day for years to come.

Oh, and I love that Petra wore Zach's pants ;)
ChrissieA chapter 84 . 8/1/2016
It's official, Zach and Petra are my favorite. They need a spin-off. And a TV series. Young doctor and adorable teacher and their 5 boys take over the world? I'd watch it! Especially if you wrote it.
ChrissieA chapter 81 . 7/31/2016
Ok, I love this whole chapter. Partially I think because My best friend is a lot like Petra so Petra is my favorite of Christine's friends. Here's some of the other reasons I love this chapter ... Zach called her "Pet" *sigh*. Her version of normal is gorgeous. The three Booth men all lined up? *swoon*. I love how all three Booth men are extra gentle with her, I think she's their favorite too. She's clearly Zach's favorite. ;) At the end when Booth talks to his boys I love that they immediately turn in respect to listen to what he has to say. Those men love and respect their father in the way every man who has sons would want to be loved and respected.
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