Reviews for Bend Around the Wind
cztelnik chapter 6 . 8/8/2015
See this is intelligent, it doesn't explain everything but the sequence of events is logical. Like closing the vent behind them to make their escape less obvious.
cztelnik chapter 5 . 8/8/2015
There is a freedom in simply acknowledging the options are limited and crappy yet once determined you can move forward while accepting the probable outcome. Do you want to live forever? Then just keep going because either way it is something to not give up.
cztelnik chapter 4 . 8/8/2015
There is something metaphorical about Tony stopping counting at 100 days and the 100 chapters of this story. Neither is at end, but it is an ending of a kind (to paraphrase RJ WofT)
cztelnik chapter 2 . 8/8/2015
Ah yes, I remember the draw now. It is the dark, creative intelligence paired with intergalactic fantasy.
cztelnik chapter 1 . 8/8/2015
Going to read this again because while I remember it being an incredible story I can't remember all the reasons why; and I want something other to concentrate on then the blackness.
Guest chapter 100 . 7/1/2015
I absolutely loved your story! I felt like I was reading a full length novel. It was very well written.
BananaManiaBubblegum chapter 21 . 6/30/2015
I am, obviously, insultingly late to the party, however, I couldn't not comment given how interesting I find your story. The idea is very original, especially in this fandom, or at least as far as I have read. Perfect execution; it's very well thought out and the terminology is well understood, or is it researched? In any case, your story makes an outstanding read so far. I especially love when Tony makes references to pop culture and no one understands him.
To be fair, I have noticed some very minor mistakes - a word spelt or used wrongly here or there, but that is truly a small matter and would require some very thorough combing through to fix which is entirely too much headaches for very little gain, I suppose.
All in all, 10/10. Thumbs up!
shadowofthefox chapter 100 . 6/27/2015
This was an amazing story! I especially loved your original characters! You are a fantastic author.
LiveLifeAndNeverLearn chapter 100 . 6/16/2015
Hey I gotta say when I started reading this I was kinda unsure about wether or not I would be want to read a story this large but I am so glad I did, this story is amazing and goes into such detail. I just about couldn't stop once I started reading and I have to say this is probably my fav Avergers fic right now and will probably stay that way.
malphigus chapter 100 . 6/14/2015

Just so you know, this is one of the best paced stories I've ever read here.

My favourite FrostIron fic so far. You don't throw in too much romance/fluff in there, and people should write more romance stories like that, you know? Because when the romance does hit, it tastes 2000% sweeter. The sex scenes are so engaging yet realistic at the same time; I know a lot of writers here push for the perfect, hot and passionate atmosphere but they sacrificed the realism for those. You didn't. I love how you didn't shy away from doubts, sudden turn-off moments, and general awkwardness. Nothing is ever perfect in reality.

The OCs you implemented fit really well and it really shows that they are layered, complex characters. I love the dynamic added with the Skrull sisters, Drongo, and Hatchet. My god HATCHET. You've managed to make a character that goes way back with Loki and I actually like the guy. I was so sure that he was Loki's ex back then but I so didn't expect the father/son/close friends dynamic. But that's good. That's great actually. Heaven knows Loki needs a father figure, although Hatchet isn't very fatherly to begin with, he really genuinely loves Loki and that's what matters.

The way you deal with the major challenge of this pairing is fantastic. Full of uncertainty and promises. Tony's gonna die soon, and Loki's gonna have to deal. It's not those fairytale endings you know? Where everyone is happy and they got married and they have kids and they die happy blah. It takes a dysfunctional person to date another dysfunctional person and somehow they grew together and they manage to kick ass. The relationship itself isn't perfect, but that's what made it perfect... if you get my paradox. Most romance stories are, while great and full of amazing fantasies, unrelatable and often just a passing dream for me. Thank you for making this a very enjoyable experience. :)

I love how you tackled issues like child labor and implicit discrimination. It adds a darker vibe to the story and also realism which I really like :) And politics too! Most writers just brush off the long ass boring meeting by skipping it, but I think you did right by writing it out :) Again, more points to realism. Loki will make a great politician. Wait, he IS a great politician. Once again I love it.

I. Love. Realism. In written work. Not enough of it. I like how this is engaging and thrilling just as it is. I would gladly re-read this again just for the satisfaction of seeing Tony and Loki growing closer together.

All the 400k words are worth it. The characters acted realistically for the creative fantasy setting. Your knowledge for the comicverse is very much appreciated! It's very satisfying to discover that this is all essentially canon! Not that I mind if you made your own race but I generally like using only canon settings/characters :) Also, I'll have you know that I'll be using Chapter 19 as my official headcannon :)

Thank you for putting your time and energy into this wonderful read. You obviously did your research thoroughly and it shows. Thank you. Thank you so much :)
Zafyra's chapter 100 . 6/9/2015
Wow... I have to say that I'm completely amazed. Your story his so... your writing... I's hard to describe their awesomeness in one word only.

So I'll say it first, because it is the most important tome:
Thank you
Thank you for those wonderful hours I spent travelling through your story,
Thank you for the characters you made me meet (and meet again) and love,
Thank you for all the stars you created in my eyes,
Thank you for making me laugh out loud
Thank you for making me dream.

You may say I go too far, but I'm sincere here. There so much to say about this story, and my head is still trapped in it..
Well I'll try and tell you what felt, what I'm feeling right now, because you deserve it so much, and I would die in shame for not giving you at least an honest review.

First of all, let's talk about the characters. I did like those marvel (and dc) superheroes before, now I love them. By the first chapters, I instantly felt that you owed them. You slightly adapted their personalities so that they can fit your story and your writing, but the changes were so subtle that it wasn't disturbing at all. At the contrary, I felt as if you were honest with us.
And then you made you characters grow and change, and make decisions and react to things. It's amazing that you did all that in such a fluent way. I was so realistic... It was wonderful
Thanks to you, i can't even watch Loki in the films without feeling frustrated that he's the mean guy! And then you created new characters. I love them so much. Juyu and Bee, Hatchlet, Drongo... they are so authentic.
It was such a great idea to use your marvel knowledge too! :)

Secondly, well... how about the story? This incredible scenario you showed us. From the Odyssey to politics in the Nine Realms, it was astonishing. Sincerely, everything was so well-organized, so logical that I can 't even realize this is a fanfiction. I mean, you must be a professional. Your story is so complex, and at the same time so logical and realistic that it's hardly possible for you to be only an amateur.

Thirdly, your writing gives me that same impression. Not only you words are flowing like water and beautiful, but they are also useful. The way you describe scenes- and I was especially amazed by your battle descriptions- is strong enough for us to feel it as if we are living it. Monsters, landscapes, romantic scenes, tragic ones or even scenes filled with anger. It was almost palpable.

I may be talking (writing) too much, but I want to offer you at least a small percentage of what you made me feel. I'm really sincere when I say I believe you're a professional author. Reading your story, I felt the same as reading some fantasy or sf book I usually borrow at the library. This was intense.

I think I have said all I needed to say (even if I should have reviewed each 25 chapters at least). Thank you again for making me travel so far ("wander far and wander long". I'll remember this one), and good luck for your future stories. I wish you to become a famous author if it's not already the case,

See you on your other stories,

Zafyra ;)
Maashellee chapter 100 . 6/6/2015
I re-read this story after so long...and I still love it! Thank you so much!
My Ashland chapter 100 . 6/4/2015
This was a beautiful fucking story and I hate you for it, I even read it at work just to know what happens next. Hate you so much that I added it to my favorites... So much hate right now. 3 3 3 look at those hate symbols, they'll show you I mean business.
Sariah Barron chapter 95 . 5/28/2015
Okay this one actually made me cry
Guest chapter 12 . 5/26/2015
Hello greatest writer!
I would like to know you email to ask a few questions because I don't have fan diction account ... Thank you!
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