Reviews for Bend Around the Wind
Kokoroyume chapter 9 . 11/10/2012
Great story so far :)
It's a very good idea to make them travel in space. And they are really IC. I can't wait for the next chapter !
dawnhallj chapter 8 . 11/9/2012
Fitting chapter name, and I the whole 'hate and respect you' thing is coming along nicely. Keep going! I'm really enjoying this!
The Sacred Heart 2 chapter 8 . 11/9/2012
Yah! I love these chapters a day thing you have going on. Thanks for updating! I cannot wait for more! Oh boy! Andromeda? Hmmm... I wonder what they will find there? I guess I'll find out soon. :)
Ellelle chapter 6 . 11/7/2012
Awesome story! I enjoyed it and I really like your portrait of Loki, it's really good. Pls write part 2, we can't wait! :)
fan girl 666 chapter 8 . 11/9/2012
awesome chapter
marianne chapter 8 . 11/9/2012
Great chapter. thirsting for more.
pretzel-logic chapter 8 . 11/9/2012
Interesting story, I like how you're slowly building up Tony and Loki's relationship. I'm curious to see how you'll manage to get these two together.
Crystalkatt chapter 6 . 11/7/2012
Oh man! I'm so excited! They escaped. This is gonna be good. I've beer read one where they were trapped and escaped on like foreign land, not knowing how to get back! I love this!
I ran out of good pennames chapter 8 . 11/9/2012
It's fun to see Loki out of his dept with the machines, but the rest of the chapter with the piracy, is rather dark (just the way it ought to be) and I think it balances out nicely. :) I've become rather addicted to getting home from school or whatever and then lo and behold - there's a new chapter :D. Keep it up!
Ynath Esrith chapter 8 . 11/9/2012
Loki's ruthlessly pragmatic, isn't he? He had a point, though, about the probable affiliations of the crew & what they'd do.
The Sacred Heart 2 chapter 7 . 11/8/2012
Oh my GOSH! This story is just getting better and BETTER! I'm not going to lie: I loved the part where Loki grabs Tony and presses him against his chest. I know he only did it to not let anyone hear them, but hell, I thought that was the best action they got so far. Thanks for that! ;) Like I said, i do love the development of the relationship and you, my dear, are doing an excellent job so far with these two characters. :)
Neahrai chapter 7 . 11/8/2012
He could compare notes now, which was worse, burning in the sun after escaping torture in a desert cave or freezing to death after escaping torture in an alien prison. Fuck his life, fuck it so very much.

I think I almost died at this part...
Keefer chapter 7 . 11/8/2012
I love your characterization, it just keeps getting better and better.
Please, do continue
*grabs bag of popcorn and settles down for literary magic*
fan girl 666 chapter 7 . 11/8/2012
love the escape and Loki's lesson about skrulls to Tony i bet he'll appreciate that in the future
Elleelle chapter 5 . 11/6/2012
Wow! Really thrilling and fast- cool story.
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