Reviews for Bend Around the Wind
TripleLLL chapter 31 . 10/11/2018
This ch was perfect
TripleLLL chapter 25 . 10/10/2018
I wonder when scrulls will appear in the marvel movie universe.

This story is so awesome.

I love you for writing it. Seeking 400k words had me so excited I almost pooped my pants in joy
Wait. That's disgusting.

Screamed in joy? Yes. That's better. Lol
TripleLLL chapter 14 . 10/10/2018
I love this . It's now like firefly. Heee
Michelle chapter 100 . 9/5/2018
Omg. This was just... OMG!
I am speechless. Long story, well written, gramaticaly ok, everything made sense and I could go on and on. I am very happy and satisfied with this piece of work. When i got lost in text, it was just because of me not being good enough in English. I found this story on one of site translated (well just the first 20 parts) but I just couldn't leave there. I had to read it. It took mÄ› right at the beginnig and I was not able to leave. It's amazing that I could find something like this. Thank you. That's all I can say.
aaeiilnn chapter 99 . 7/11/2018
i really want a fic of tony being secretary of defense and being awesome at it please please please im hoping youd do one or two follow up one shots cause kqdbiand this is too amazing pla
aaeiilnn chapter 1 . 7/9/2018
hello i dont think ive reviewed here yet which is incredibly rude of me considering ive reread this a thousand times,,, this is definitely my number 1 frostiron fic and one of my top avengers fics hands down. its so beautiful and amazing and not enought words can describe how wonderful it is... the way you wrote every single emotion and thought that passed through their minds was such an inspiration for me to start writing my own (even though its not frostiron) and i can only hOPE to make a story as good as this.. im so glad people are still reading it and that everyone still loves this qksbajdb

thank you so much for this,, your story has made me smile and laugh and cry and just feel so many emotions when im not feeling my best so thank you
Faezier chapter 100 . 6/6/2018
Amazing! I loved it! Thank you for writing this magnificent story!
Silvanesti chapter 99 . 5/26/2018
I can't review chapter 100 since I did that when I first read this story three years ago. So I'll review this instead although I've read it to the end.

Once more, thank you so much for gifting us with one of the most intriguing and entertaining fanfics that I've ever read. The plot, the characters, the scenarios, the journey - both psycical and mental, I love it all.

I started reading maybe three weeks ago and was two thirds through the story when I went to see Infinity War. After that much of this has been heart wrenching. I cry for the characters. I'll still return to this story again though, in a few years time.

If I would like to creste fan art for this, especially of my beloved Hatchet
LokiofLies chapter 100 . 5/17/2018
i just re-read it. and i still love it. this is my favorite ironfrost. so detailled, complex, i love how they built their relationship and everything around. just "chapeau!"
Silvanesti chapter 75 . 5/16/2018
After seeing Infinity War I felt the need to reread this story. I love it so much, and these characters. Chapter 74 had me in tears and so does the end of this one.
Tsubasa504 chapter 100 . 5/10/2018
I must say this was one of the more complex fanfics I've ever read (and I've read a lot). truly amazing. Thank you for your great work, I had a wonderful week of reading thanks to this. I look forward to reading other works you've made.
Shadow Lily Potter chapter 100 . 4/8/2018
I loved this story! It was complex, it captured the characters wonderfully, and is probably my new favorite Avengers centered fanfic :) I look forward to reading your other work.
Yankeegomera chapter 90 . 4/3/2018
Oh no! Me niego ahora mismo a verles pasar por eso
Yankeegomera chapter 33 . 4/1/2018
frostiron for ever!
Jyll chapter 100 . 3/16/2018
A story which was so well written, it was like a complete movie.
Fantastic, i really want to thank you for it.
Keep up this great work!
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