Reviews for Through the Kitchen Window
nzjojo chapter 1 . 11/1/2023
Oh this story gave me all the feels. I'm so glad they got their HEA. My only wish would be to read the story in EPOV. Thank you for sharing your words with us all to enjoy :)
marigold123 chapter 1 . 4/10/2023
Good story! Edward so constant and Bella mercurial… They found happiness in the end. Loved your Esme! Thank you for writing.
agatona chapter 1 . 5/8/2022
One of my favorite premise is when Edward and Bella are destined to be together even as babies.
Even they still aren't even able to talk yet but are drawn together by that soulmate thread.
This is one of my favs now. Thank you.
cappcat chapter 1 . 2/3/2022
arshi40 chapter 1 . 8/25/2021
amazing story
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23/2021
A treasure! Thank you.
Broweyesandhair chapter 1 . 11/5/2020
Ugh this is so cute! Great story!
Kopec82 chapter 1 . 11/3/2020
I enjoy it
Guest chapter 1 . 11/3/2020
Oh, so beautiful! Other than the brilliant style of writing I enjoyed 'seeing' this story unfold from Esme's POV. What I enjoyed most was the relationship between Esme and Edward, which I find authentic here. In most fics the focus is entirely on B and E, and the other members really have substance. Hat off to you! Happy they got their HEA and thank you for sharing!
wardlyman chapter 1 . 6/11/2020
I will say you having the story be in Esme pov did HER and BELLA no favors.

But I could understand teen Bella, she was in her emo stage and needed a 'bad boy' and rebel... But the fact we don't get get to see her progress from being that bitch to the fine girl that runs flower shop makes it feel like her relationship with Edward is unearned. Basically us not seeing her redeemed herself irks me.

Now on to Esme... If she was my mother... I would be pissed at least a little bit. I feel like she shouldn't have been the one actively pursuing a relationship with Bella. But that goes back to us not being in Bella's pov, we don't know what she has done to redeem herself...
Hetwaszoietsals chapter 1 . 4/20/2020
Beautiful story!
Cina's chapter 1 . 8/18/2019
That was amazing and so heartbreaking at the same time.
PINKSAPPHYR chapter 1 . 8/8/2019
Your words really are a joy to read. Even when when they paint a painful picture for the brand new mama of a little boy.
You have a real talent at conveying deep, raw and powerful feelings... and I felt all of them, deep down inside my heart! Joy, real sadness, fear, anger, confusion, love... they were all there and boy did they take me on a rollercoaster!
Thank you
Sam 'Dimples' Swarek chapter 1 . 7/6/2019
OH MY GOD that was so intense. You certainly liked to drag that relationship through the ringer ,as they say.! Had me tearing up at parts, in the Chinese , of all places. Never read an emotional story anywhere but at home. Well done
FlamingMaple chapter 1 . 4/15/2019
Where do I start? This is so good I feel guilty not having paid for it, or at least for not having plucked from the library shelf. The quality of your writing is astounding.

The content is just as compelling. Your metaphorsoh, how I would love to live in your brain and watch them be born.

I could say so much more, but I am a greedy reader, and go on with this beautiful tale.
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