Reviews for Nothing to Lose
Trahald of Uru chapter 1 . 12h
Was this summer 1995 (beginning of OotP) or summer 1996 (beginning of HBP)?
themadmartian chapter 22 . 9/16
This was, again, another great story you've written. I think, with what Albus did for the "Greater Good" he got off lightly.
I'll add this to my story favorites.
pincho chapter 22 . 9/5
Better and in keeping with Albus's previously establishing character.

Though Harry can't provide 25 years of memories since he is just over the age of 17.
pincho chapter 21 . 9/5
Hope the second version is a better ending. This version was sooo very disappointing.
iacopo.passerini chapter 11 . 8/23
Capitolo molto forte!
Accidenti qui la situazione si fa complessa!
Books85 chapter 7 . 7/21
I like the idea that a criminal investigation or trial could provide help or relief for Harry. Not convinced that LEO'S like Bones could actually nail APWBD for his criminal actions, but maybe. I am enjoying the way you are telling this, and look forward to seeing where you will take it. Thank you.

P.S. Dumbledore would assure a politician that he would do something, but he would no do something. Using ensure implies action that he would do it. More obfuscation.
katiebug17 chapter 11 . 5/16
WhatHaveIDiscovered chapter 22 . 4/28
An interesting take. Well done and thanks for sharing!
summer164 chapter 1 . 4/18
Looks fun
draco122 chapter 22 . 4/7
Well done. This was fantastic
Andromedanaea chapter 11 . 4/6
Q: are you currently under the influence of the Imperius Curse?
Q: when was the last time you were checked for potions or curses that might effect your free will?
Wolverine442 chapter 17 . 4/2
I’m sad Tom was taken out. Magical Britain deserved him. The pointless dithering over the actions of Dark Lord Albus reinforces my belief.
Guest chapter 17 . 2/24
Started well, devolved into whining. Idiot could easily just execute Dumbles but noooooo he just has to stomp him good and whine like a child denied candy.
Guest chapter 18 . 2/13
You took a good premise & absolutely trashed it. This is NOT a good story.
Guest chapter 17 . 2/13
This is fucking ridiculous by now
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