Reviews for Close Encounters 1
Zeki Young chapter 12 . 12/14/2013
Oh my goodness I love this version of Richard Castle! I can't wait to read more. What a fascinating AU!
BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 4 . 12/10/2013
Oh much trust given in such a short period of time! Both of them getting such detailed pictures of each other's genesis moments, the events that shaped them as fully as they did...though I do wonder just how close things in this timeline came to being true in the canon timeline, barring some decision of Martha's to keep on trying to be a mother to Castle (the series) vs. choosing to echo her first daughter-in-law's behaviour and disappear (CE-verse). I'm sure Jackson Hunt (realized after I had said it in a previous comment, Castle's dad used the covername "Jackson Hunt" and not "Jackson Lake"...which is David Morrissey's character from the Doctor Who Christmas special "The Next Doctor") was keeping close enough attention to have done thing same thing in the series' canon if things had gone the way the CE-verse did.

All in all, a brilliant chapter!
BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 3 . 12/10/2013
Wow...either the knockout drugs are still lingering like an unwanted guest or Beckett secretly isn't as offended as she makes out to be about Castle being in her apartment: she's offended but she can sense he wouldn't do anything truly invasive unless he had to do so.


Still, the cliffhanger of Castle noting there are unidentified watchers parked outside Kate's apartment does mean things don't temporarily bode well for Team Caskett. Off to the next chapter to find out what happens next!

BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 2 . 12/10/2013
Oh...Kate's really throwing up walls and Castle's not far behind, is he? They can feel the fire building between each other but they're more focused on creating protective walls rather than dousing the flames.


Superb dialogue work! Really could feel the Caskett spark, even with the two of them at the S1 personas but extra heaps of emotional scarring!
BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
Spy!Castle has subordinates with the names of Crichton and Patterson? Nice...very nice...could totally see Castle pulling that in a fit of pique while writing something after getting trounced at poker by his writer buddies.


Spectacular start to what I think will be an amazing story series! The verbal foreplay these two have, even when canon's gone out the window, is downright unbelievable, though Castle's definitely in his early series "butter wouldn't melt" mode.
Razgriz Ace chapter 5 . 9/4/2013
I really like this. I usually don't read AU stuff, but I was intrigued. Now I'm only halfway through the story and you have me leaving a comment, which I also don't do too often. Great story!
Ali chapter 8 . 6/8/2013
Re-reading this and I actually gasped when I read the "Screw your father" part. Then I basically teared up thinking about poor Castle. You are a genius.
lipamo chapter 12 . 6/5/2013
oh maan this just f*ing great, damnit! pleas please please more of it! I'm so hooked i can't stop reading this. it's amazing! please continue to write, I pay you. honestly, your writing and this story is worth a lot, damn lot. Thank you so much!
LibbyAnn74 chapter 11 . 5/3/2013
Part 2: I don't usually read spy thrillers. But I love your other Castle fan fics. Your writing is alive with real emotion and great details. I am alwaya absorbed in the worlds you create right from the first line. This was no exception. The intensity was excellent. I kinda likes this world better than the canon. Thanks for sharing your talents. (Sorry my C12 review got cut off. Darn I-phone)
LibbyAnn74 chapter 12 . 5/3/2013
So I know I'm so late to the party on this review. But I just read the first CE and loved it so much I had to tell you. I didn't think I'd like this AU. I'm not sure why. I'm not really a reader
Guest chapter 12 . 3/24/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
Katherine Houghton Beckett chapter 12 . 3/16/2013
I've always been a sucker for AU stories and the idea of Castle being a spy is so cool. I can definitely see the Rick Castle we all know and love digging the chance to be a spy! I don't get a whole lot of time to just sit down and read fanfic these days but I read this in one go this afternoon.

It was a really fun and interesting premise, I loved how you portrayed Kate and Rick, still in character but with a little AU flare which was awesome. I'll be reading the rest of the series as soon as I can. Great job, I loved your story; an instant fave for me!
AshLiz chapter 12 . 3/8/2013
Love the story!
Denkpause chapter 12 . 2/17/2013
I've kinda avoided reading this story for a while now, because Castle as an actual spy wasn't something I thought could be good.
But you did a remarkable job.
Keep on writing
ColieMacKenzie chapter 12 . 1/28/2013
So glad I know there are all the sequelzzzz waiting because what a setup and that's where you leave us, seriously?! Again, love our favorite characters mixed with variations on their personalities, esp Kate who feels almost more desperate about and drowning in her mom's case, if I'm not wrongly interpreting, which would make sense seeing as how she didn't have Castle to keep your upright for the past years. Anyway, I love this AU; it's intriguing and fun and exciting and I'll now be moving on to part two...
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